Authors Beginning With the Letter N
Nadeau, Chantal
Namaste, Ki
Nantel, Mylène
Nash, Melanie
- 2003 — “Introduction”
Nasta, Dominique
Natale, Simone
Natali, Maurizia
Nault, Georges
Nelson, Tollof
- 2003 — “Sculpting the End of Time: The Anamorphosis of History and Memory in Andrei Tarkovsky's Mirror (1975)”
- 2001 — “Marks, Laura U. The Skin of the Film : Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses. Durham and London : Duke University Press, 2000, 298 p.”
- 2000 — “Audio-visual Mediation : Reconfiguring the Discursive Problematic of Cinema and History”
- 2000 — “Theoretical Apparitions of Haiku : An Intermedial Interrogation of Modernity”
Niemeyer, Katharina
- 2021 — “Présentation”
Niessen, Niels
Niessen, Sandra
Noël, Denis