
Volume 65, Number 1, 2023 Contemporary Spiritualities on a Global Scale: Ethnographic Perspectives Les spiritualités contemporaines à l’échelle globale : regards ethnographiques Guest-edited by Marie Nathalie LeBlanc and Géraldine Mossière

Table of contents (38 articles)

Note from the Editors / Note de la rédaction

  1. L’évaluation par les pairs : les nouveaux défis des publications académiques
  2. Peer-reviewing: New Challenges for Academic Publication

Introduction to Special Thematic Issue / Introduction au numéro thématique

Thematic Section: Contemporary Spiritualities on a Global Scale: Ethnographic Perspectives

  1. Être musulmane et sujet éthique et spirituel : vivre-ensemble et autres concepts expérientiels mobilisés par des soufies montréalaises
  2. Quand l’expérience « spirituelle » s’éprouve par et dans le corps : pédagogie somatique et transformation identitaire dans le Morbihan
  3. Frontières morales et catégories culturelles : penser la spiritualité au prisme de la conversion au christianisme des Népalo-bhoutanais
  4. « QAnon pastel » ou la surprenante convergence entre conspirationnisme politique et spiritualités New Age : cyber-ethnographie d’activistes francophones
  5. “Separation, but not Division”: A Southern Italian Perspective on “Lived Conspirituality”
  6. Our Spiritual Relations: Challenging Settler Colonial Possessiveness of Indigenous Spirituality/Religion
  7. De la quête spirituelle à la quête de légitimité : saṃskāra et enjeux de reconnaissance d’ascètes européens ou nord-américains en Inde
  8. Auroville, une utopie spirituelle en contexte de mondialisation

Seedings - Supply Chains and Commodities: Interruptions, Shortages, Crises?

  1. Ethnographie en période de pandémie et mobilisation des Coronavirus Makers à Barcelone : le fleurissement des solidarités impromptues
  2. The Container Thinks It’s Upside Down, and Other Stories of Automation
  3. The Crisis of Movement: Making and Remaking Global Supply Chains in Container Ports
  4. In Shortage: Understanding Global Antibiotic Supply Chains Through Pharmaceutical Trade Fairs

Late-Breaking Thematic Section: Giving Shape to COVID-19 through Anthropological Lenses. Round Two. COVID-19 Pandemica: (Anti) Sociality and the Longevity Question

  1. Talking and Acting A Pandemic: Ethnography of COVID-19 in Montmartre
  2. Using the Pandemic for Their Own Gain: The Experiences of COVID in Serbia
  3. “Not a Major or Complicated Task”: Activating Dugnad under COVID-19 and the Imagination of Equality in the Norwegian Welfare State
  4. Ethical Citizenship and Contested Notions of Aging During the COVID-19 State of Emergency in Latvia


  1. Au-delà du diagnostic de trouble de stress post-traumatique : reconnaître l’expérience de guerre des militaires français
  2. A Verdant Ethnography: Henry Green, Navajo Poetry, and Dialogical Ethnopoetics
  3. Artificial Intelligence, Academic Misconduct, and the Borg: Why GPT-3 Text Generation in the Higher Education Classroom is Becoming Scary
  4. “The Grind Never Stops”: Mental Health and Expectations of Productivity in the North American University
  5. Changing the Narrative: Settler Colonialism, Food and the Columbia River Treaty

Ideas: Indigenous Historical Agency in Revolutionary Western Mexico

  1. Indigenous Territoriality, Emergent Political Actors, and State Formation in the Sierra del Nayar / Morris, Nathaniel. Soldiers, Saints, and Shamans: Indigenous Communities and the Revolutionary State in Mexico’s Gran Nayar, 1910-1940. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020, 371 pages
  2. Ethnicity, Gender, and Ceremonial Traditions in the Gran Nayar / Morris, Nathaniel. Soldiers, Saints, and Shamans: Indigenous Communities and the Revolutionary State in Mexico’s Gran Nayar, 1910–1940. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020, 371 pages
  3. Recovering and Explaining Indigenous Roles in the Mexican Revolution / Morris, Nathaniel. Soldiers, Saints, and Shamans: Indigenous Communities and the Revolutionary State in Mexico’s Gran Nayar, 1910–1940. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020, 371 pages
  4. Towards a Cosmohistory of the Cristero Wars / Morris, Nathaniel. Soldiers, Saints, and Shamans: Indigenous Communities and the Revolutionary State in Mexico’s Gran Nayar, 1910-1940. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020, 371 pages
  5. On Indigenous Politics and Political Revolution in Mexico and Beyond / Morris, Nathaniel. Soldiers, Saints, and Shamans: Indigenous Communities and the Revolutionary State in Mexico’s Gran Nayar, 1910–1940. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020, 371 pages

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus de livres


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