Volume 63, Number 1, 2021 The Bureaucratic Practices of Migration Les routes bureaucratiques de la migration Giving Shape to COVID-19 Donner forme à la COVID-19
Table of contents (48 articles)
Note from the Editors / Notes des rédactrices
Thematic Section: The Bureaucratic Practices of Migration / Section thématique : Les routes bureaucratiques de la migration
Bureaucratic Routes to Migration: Migrants’ Lived Experience of Paperwork, Clerks and Other Immigration Intermediaries / Les routes bureaucratiques de la migration : l’expérience vécue des migrants en matière de paperasserie, commis et autres intermédiaires à l’immigration
Bureaucratic Emotionalities: Managing Files, Forms, and Delays in the Canadian Spousal Reunification Process
Negotiating Legitimacy: Binational Couples in the Face of Immigration Bureaucracy in Belgium and Italy
Moving, Waiting, Racing: The Emotional and Temporal Experience of Policy for Nurses on Temporary Work Permits in Canada
Entrepreneurs de la migration : des stratégies pour contourner les obstacles bureaucratiques
Encounters of Despair: Street-Level Bureaucrat and Migrant Interactions in Sweden and Switzerland
Late-Breaking Thematic Section: Giving Shape to COVID-19 / Appel à propositions de dernière minute : Donner forme à la COVID-19
Collaboration in Virtual Environments: Honouring the Métis Method of Visiting
Staying at Home
Riding the Coronacoaster: Learning, Teaching, and Living at a Health Sciences Campus during the COVID‑19 Pandemic
Wayfaring in Taiwan during COVID‑19: Reflections on Political Ontologies of Disease and Geopolitics
Where the Normal is Crisis: Service Delivery to Underserved Populations during the COVID Pandemic
“No Silver Bullet Solution”: Cruel Optimism and Canada’s COVID‑19 Public Health Messages
Après la pandémie : transformations des villes, du travail et la crise climatique
Giving Everyone a Fish: COVID-19 and the New Politics of Distribution
Doctor Death and Coronavirus: Supplicating Santa Muerte for Holy Healing
Creativity, Sociability, Solidarity: New-Wave Carnival Krewes’ Responses to COVID‑19 in New Orleans
Du quilt aux « masques COVID » : l’exercice d’application des normes AFNOR relève-t-il du bricolage de fortune ou du geste de participation civile ?
Circling COVID: Making in the Time of a Pandemic
What Does a Pandemic Sound Like? The Emergence of COVID Verbal Art
Second Life comme espace de sociabilité pendant la pandémie de COVID-19
Writing against “Mask Culture”: Orientalism and COVID-19 Responses in the West
Queer and COVID‑19 Positive: Contagion, Suspicion, and Stigma
Articles / Articles
Ideas: Blair Rutherford’s Ground of Politics and Farm Labour in Zimbabwe / Idées : politiques de terrain et travail agricole au Zimbabwe
Zimbabwean Politics from the Ground Up / On Rutherford, Blair. Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017, 294 pages
Grounding the Ground of Politics / On Rutherford, Blair. Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017, 294 pages
“The Cultural Politics of Politics”: Macro and Micro Entanglements in the Work of Blair Rutherford / On Rutherford, Blair. Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017, 294 pages
On Ethnography, Politics, and Critique / On Rutherford, Blair. Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017, 294 pages
Film and Exhibit Reviews / Comptes rendus de films et expositions
Sonic Art, Brain Injury, and Intimate Ethnography: A Review of Reassembled, Slightly Askew / Reassembled, Slightly Askew, Performance directed by Anna Newell and written and produced by playwright Shannon Sickels
Two Films about Becoming Plant / Little Forest, Film by: Yim Soon-Rye / A Shape of Things to Come, Film by: Lisa Marie Malloy and JP Sniadecki
Book Reviews / Revues de livres
Schram, Ryan. Harvests, Feasts and Graves: Postcultural Consciousness in Contemporary Papua New Guinea. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2018, 253 pages
Burke, Paul. An Australian Indigenous Diaspora: Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of Tradition. New York: Berghahn Books, 2018, 222 pages
Donaldson, Emily C. Working with the Ancestors: Mana and Place in the Marquesas Islands. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2019, 280 pages
Borofsky, Robert. An Anthropology of Anthropology: Is It Time to Shift Paradigms? Kailua, HI: Center for Public Anthropology, 2019, 345 pages
Bernard Arcand. Les Cuivas. Une ethnographie où il sera question de hamacs et de gentillesse, de Namoun, Colombe et Pic, de manguiers, de capybaras et de yopo, d’eau sèche et de pêche à l’arc, de meurtres et de pétrole, de l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes. Montréal : Lux Éditeur, 2019, 359 pages
Bunn, Stephanie (ed.). Anthropology and Beauty: From Aesthetic to Creativity. New York: Routledge, 2018, 483 pages
Katia Buffetrille et Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy (dir.), Musique et épopée en Haute-Asie. Paris : L’Asiathèque, 2017, 432 pages
Camminga, B. Transgender Refugees and the Imagined South Africa. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 301 pages
Anne E. Calvès, Fatou Binetou Dial et Richard Marcoux (dir.), Nouvelles dynamiques familiales en Afrique, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2018, 419 pages
Appel, Hannah. The Licit Life of Capitalism: US Oil Industry in Equatorial Guinea. Durham, London: Duke University Press, 2019, 332 pages
Jain, Lochlann. Things that Art: A Graphic Menagerie of Enchanted Curiosity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019, 128 pages
Laugrand, Frédéric B., Jarich G. Oosten. Inuit, Oblate Missionaries, and Grey Nuns in the Keewatin, 1865-1965. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, 520 pages
Fienup-Riordan, Ann, Marie Meadem and Alice Rearden. Akulmiut Neqait / Fish and Food of the Akulmiut, University of Alaska Press, 2019, 452 pages
Mains, Daniel. Under Construction: Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia. Durham/London: Duke University Press, 2019, 240 pages
Enzo Lesourt, Survivre à l’Anthropocène. Par-delà guerre civile et effondrement. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2018, 271 pages
Gibson, Rebecca. Desire in the Age of Robots and AI: An Investigation in Science Fiction and Fact. New York and London: (Pivot Series) Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 141 pages
Phillips, Robert. Virtual Activism: Sexuality, the Internet, and a Social Movement in Singapore, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020, 168 pages