An International Journal for Critical Geographies
Revue internationale de géographie critique
Revista internacional de geografía crítica

Volume 23, Number 5, 2024

A page from the Degrees of Belonging Zine. Credit: Farhana Ghaffar/The Concrete Collective. Zine available here:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Table of contents (6 articles)


  1. Crafting Solidarities, Crafting a Zine: Methods for Resistance and Recovery in Higher Education amongst Doctoral Researchers of Colour
  2. Subsurface Power: How Mineral Rights are Hidden and How to Uncover Them
  3. Acaparamiento Verde y Gris en la Construcción de Infraestructuras en Tenerife (Islas Canarias, España)


  1. Slow(ed) Scholarship: On Crip Time and Refusal from the Intersections of Privilege and Precarity
  2. The Secret Geographer: Thinking Aloud on Legal Engagements in Scholar-Activism


  1. The City from Below: What a Challenge! Exploring Human Sustainability in Rome’s Self-Managed Places


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