Publications récentesRecent Publications[Notice]

Sélection/Selected by Claudine Leclerc, Département des relations industrielles, Université Laval.

La négociation quotidienne et le règlement officiel des litiges dans les entreprises aux États-Unis, Charles Heckscher et Lavinia Hall, Négociations, 1, 2004, 63-78. Cleared for Take-off? Management-Labour Partnership in the European Civil Aviation Industry, Peter Turnbull, Paul Blyton and Geraint Harvey, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 287-307. Numéro spécial : Les relations professionnelles dans le secteur public, La Revue de l’IRES, 45 (2), 2004, 3-133. Introduction, Udo Rehfeldt et Catherine Vincent; Négocier dans les services publics : dimensions procédurales et stratégiques, Udo Rehfeldt et Catherine Vincent; Les relations professionnelles dans les fonctions publiques françaises. Éléments d’analyse, Jean Saglio; Les relations de l’État-patron avec les syndicats de fonctionnaires, Jeanne Siwek-Pouydesseau; Les relations professionnelles dans la fonction publique italienne, Mimmo Carrieri; Les relations sociales au travail dans la fonction publique hospitalière : le cas italien, Jean-Olivier Mallet et Martine Gayral-Taminh; Statut et contrat : deux modes de construction de la relation de travail, Nicole Maggi-Germain; L’ambiguïté des fondements, clé de lecture du fonctionnement d’un système de relations professionnelles, Solveigh Grimault. Estimating the Other Party’s Preferences and Trust in Trade Union and Employer Negotiations: A Comparison between New Zealand and Sweden, Eva Zellman and Simon Kemp, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 29 (2), 2004, 17-31. Post-socialist Trade Unions: China and Russia, Simon Clarke, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 2-18. Barriers to Cross-border Trade Union Cooperation in Europe: The Case of the Graphical Workers, John Gennard and Kirsty Newsome, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 38-58. Partnership Working and the Cultivated Activist, Peter Samuel, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (1), 2005, 59-76. The Influence of Wages and Industrial Relations Environments on the Production Location Decisions of U.S. Multinational Corporations, Mario F. Bognanno, Michael P. Keane, and Donghoon Yang, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 171-200. Human Resource Management as a Substitute for Trade Unions in British Workplaces, Stephen Machin and Stephen Wood, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58 (2), 2005, 201-218. Special Issue on Trade Unions and Unemployment, Transfer, 10 (4), 2004, 532-619. Unemployment, Wages and Collective Bargaining in the European Union, Eckhard Hein and Thorsten Schulten; ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’, Ambivalence of Concerted Change for Employment in Europe, Evelyne Leonard and Pierre Reman; The Broken Link – Do Trade Unions Represent the Interests of the Unemployed? Evidence from the UK, Germany and Denmark within the Framework of the European Employment Strategy, Helge Albrechtsen; Activation and Trade Unions: Confronting the Dilemma, Ben Valkenburg; Income Security: Why Unions Should Campaign for a Basic Income, Guy Standing. Union Recognition and Partnership at Work: A New Legitimacy for Irish Trade Unions?, Daryl D’Art and Thomas Turner, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 121-139. Decentralised Bargaining of Working Time in the German Automotive Industry, Thomas Haipeter and Steffen Lehndorff, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 140-156. Union Responses to ‘Multi-Enterprise’ Factories in the Italian Motor Industry, Valeria Pulignano, Industrial Relations Journal, 36 (2), 2005, 157-173. Political Exchange and Bargaining Reform in Italy and Spain, Óscar Molina Romo, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (1), 2005, 7-26. Industrial Action and Conflict Resolution in the New Member States, Christian Welz and Timo Kauppinen, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 (1), 2005, 91-105. The European Trade Union Confederation at the Crossroads of Change? Traversing the Variable Geometry of European Trade Unionism, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 10 (3), 2004, 267-285. A Study of Union Mergers: The Strange Case of the Police Federation of Australia, Michael Lyons and Jenny Fleming, New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations …