Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 37, numéro 2, printemps 2014

Sommaire (28 articles)


  1. Fils de la louve : Blaise de Monluc et les femmes de Sienne
  2. Le sonnet 130 de Shakespeare ou le blason mis à nu
  3. The Devil, Superstition, and the Fragmentation of Magic
  4. Erring from Good Huswifry? The Author as Witness in Margaret Cavendish and Mary Trye
  5. Disciplining Brothers in the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Province of Aragon


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Ames-Lewis, Francis. Isabella and Leonardo: The Artistic Relationship between Isabella d’Este and Leonardo da Vinci, 1500–1506
  2. Atkins, Christopher D. M. The Signature Style of Frans Hals: Painting, Subjectivity, and the Market in Early Modernity
  3. Bernard, Mathilde. Écrire la peur à l’époque des guerres de Religion. Une étude des historiens et mémorialistes contemporains des guerres civiles en France (1562–1598)
  4. Calaresu, Melissa and Helen Hills (eds.). New Approaches to Naples, c.1500–c.1800: The Power of Place
  5. Caravale, Giorgio. Forbidden Prayer: Church Censorship and Devotional Literature in Renaissance Italy. Trans. Peter Dawson
  6. Daniell, Christopher. Atlas of Early Modern Britain, 1485–1715
  7. Dumont, Jonathan and Laure Fagnart (eds.). Georges Ier d’Amboise 1460–1510. Une figure plurielle de la Renaissance
  8. Emison, Patricia. The Italian Renaissance and Cultural Memory
  9. Ferguson, Gary et Mary B. McKinley (éds.). A Companion to Marguerite de Navarre
  10. Ford, Philip. The Judgment of Palaemon: The Contest between Neo-Latin and Vernacular Poetry in Renaissance France
  11. Giannini, Massimo Carlo (ed.). Papacy, Religious Orders, and International Politics in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
  12. Goldberg, Edward. Jews and Magic in Medici Florence: The Secret World of Benedetto Blanis
  13. Hampton, Bryan Adams. Fleshly Tabernacles: Milton and the Incarnational Poetics of Revolutionary England
  14. Hankins, James and Fabrizio Meroi (eds.). The Rebirth of Platonic Theology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Villa I Tatti) and the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento (Florence, 26–27 April 2007): for Michael J. B. Allen
  15. Nichols, Tom. Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance
  16. Johannes Oecolampadius. An Exposition of Genesis. Trans. and intro. Mickey L. Mattox
  17. Pot, Olivier (ed.). Simon Goulart, Un pasteur aux intérêts vastes comme le monde
  18. Prendergast, Maria Teresa Michaela. Railing, Reviling, and Invective in English Literary Culture, 1588–1617: The Anti-Poetics of Theater and Print
  19. Rhodes, Neil (ed.). English Renaissance Translation Theory. Intro. and notes by Neil Rhodes in collaboration with Gordon Kendal and Louise Wilson
  20. Scève, Claudine. Urbain le mescongneu filz de l’empereur Federic Barberousse. Édition bilingue par Janine Incardona et Pascale Mounier
  21. Sloane, Barney. The Augustinian Nunnery of St. Mary Clerkenwell, London: Excavations 1974–96
  22. Wisch, Barbara and Nerida Newbigin. Acting on Faith: The Confraternity of the Gonfalone in Renaissance Rome

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