The Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association

Volume 12, numéro 20, automne 2019

Sommaire (6 articles)


  1. “The Father of Survival Horror”: Shinji Mikami, Procedural Rhetoric, and the Collective/Cultural Memory of the Atomic Bombs
  2. Playing the Past and Alternative Futures: Counterfactual History in Fallout 4
  3. Taking College Esports Seriously
  4. “No one gives you a rulebook to raise a kid”: Adoptive Motherhood in The Walking Dead Video Game Series
  5. The Role of Architecture in Constructing Gameworlds: Intertextual Allusions, Metaphorical Representations and Societal Ethics in Dishonored
  6. Buying Time: Capitalist Temporalities in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp


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