International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 21, numéro 1, janvier 2020

Sommaire (12 articles)


  1. Editorial – Volume 21, Issue 1

Research Articles

  1. Studying Learner Behavior in Online Courses With Free-Certificate Coupons: Results From Two Case Studies
  2. The Relationships Between Self-Efficacy, Task Value, and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Massive Open Online Courses
  3. Open to Open? An Exploration of Textbook Preferences and Strategies to Offset Textbook Costs for Online Versus On-Campus Students
  4. Doctoral Students’ Learning Success in Online-Based Leadership Programs: Intersection With Technological and Relational Factors
  5. Distance Learners’ Experiences of Silence Online: A Phenomenological Inquiry

Research Notes

  1. Towards a Devolved Model of Management of OER? The Case of the Irish Higher Education Sector

Literature Reviews

  1. Open and Shut: Open Access in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017
  2. Designing a Community of Inquiry in Online Courses

Notes From the Field

  1. Getting Started With Open Badges and Open Microcredentials
  2. Constructing a Design Framework and Pedagogical Approach for Adaptive Learning in Higher Education: A Practitioner's Perspective

Book Notes


Anciens numéros de International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning