International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 17, numéro 3, avril 2016

Sommaire (22 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Increasing Social Presence in Online Learning through Small Group Discussions
  2. The Predictive Relationship Among the Community of Inquiry Framework, Perceived Learning and Online, and Graduate Students’ Course Grades in Online Synchronous and Asynchronous Courses
  3. Revising the Community of Inquiry Framework for the Analysis of One-To-One Online Learning Relationships
  4. Instructor’s Use of Social Presence, Teaching Presence, and Attitudinal Dissonance: A Case Study of an Attitudinal Change MOOC
  5. Does Formal Credit Work for MOOC-Like Learning Environments?
  6. Blurring Boundaries in Education: Context and Impact of MOOCs
  7. Identifying Tensions in the Use of Open Licenses in OER Repositories
  8. Blending Formal and Informal Learning Networks for Online Learning
  9. Enhancing Student-Student Online Interaction: Exploring the Study Buddy Peer Review Activity
  10. New Ideas on the Design of the Web-Based Learning System Oriented to Problem Solving From the Perspective of Question Chain and Learning Community
  11. Growth patterns and E-Moderating Supports in Asynchronous Online Discussions in an Undergraduate Blended Course
  12. Impacts of a Digital Dialogue Game and Epistemic Beliefs on Argumentative Discourse and Willingness to Argue
  13. Teacher Perceptions of Learner-Learner Engagement at a Cyber High School
  14. Hispanic or Latino Student Success in Online Schools
  15. Participation in the Virtual Environment of Blended College Courses: An Activity Study of Student Performance
  16. Factors Affecting Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use LMS at a Turkish Post-Secondary Vocational School
  17. Diffusion of Innovations Approach to the Evaluation of Learning Management System Usage in an Open Distance Learning Institution
  18. Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
  19. Status of E-Learning in Public Universities in Kenya
  20. Interaction Gaps in PhD Education and ICT as a Way Forward: Results from a Study in Sweden

Book Notes


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