The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists

Numéro 94, fall–winter 2022 Toward Person-Centred Archival Theory and Praxis Sous la direction de Jennifer Douglas, Mya Ballin, Jessica Lapp et Sadaf Ahmadbeigi

Sommaire (12 articles)

  1. Introduction


  1. Always Coming Home: Territories of Relation and Reparative Archives
  2. A Framework for Person-Centred Recordkeeping Drawn through the Lens of Out-of-Home Child-Care Contexts
  3. Convenient Fires and Floods and Impossible Archival Imaginaries: Describing the Missing Records of Children's Institutions
  4. “They Weren’t Necessarily Designed with Lived Experiences of Disability in Mind”: The Affect of Archival In/Accessibility and “Emotionally Expensive” Spatial Un/Belonging
  5. Archival Harm Reduction: A Theoretical Framework for Utilizing Harm-Reduction Concepts in Archival Practice
  6. Gossip as Practice, Gossip as Care: Affective Information Practices in the Archives
  7. Evidence of Jorge: Documentary Traces of a Forced Disappearance in Colombia
  8. Documenting Disappearance: Personal Archives, Life Writing, and the Self in Sri Lanka
  9. Bowline on a Bight: Doing Right by the Records of Lilian Bland

Book Review

Film Review

Anciens numéros de Archivaria