
Volume 44, numéro 1, winter/spring 2015

Sommaire (13 articles)

Front Matter

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. Note de la direction/Co-Editors’ Note


  1. The Moving Image on the North Atlantic, 1930-1950: The Case of the Grenfell Mission
  2. “A Fine, Hardy, Good-Looking Race of People”: Travel Writers, Tourism Promoters, and the Highland Scots Identity on Cape Breton Island, 1829-1920
  3. Colonial Patriotism to “Mystical Chords of Memory”: The Halifax Celebrations and Commemorations of the  Shannon-Chesapeake Battle
  4. La brayonnité, la brayonnité?!? : référence madawaskayenne en chantier, 1785-2014
  5. “Are They Getting Out of Control?”: The Renegotiation of Nursing Practice in the Maritimes, 1950-1970

Research Notes / Notes De Recherche

Review Essay / Notes Critique

Back Matter

  1. Back Matter

Anciens numéros de Acadiensis