Revue d’études autochtones

Managing editor(s): Laile Inksetter (Directrice), Marie-Pierre Bousquet (Rédactrice en chef) / Editor(s): Éric Chalifoux (Rédacteur)

Journal preceded by Recherches amérindiennes au Québec


Revue d'études autochtones is a multidisciplinary francophone journal edited in Quebec that publishes scientific articles and columns on the issues and realities of the Indigenous peoples of Quebec, the Americas and around the world. It publishes three issues per year; some are thematic, others gather articles outside the theme. The journal values different theoretical currents and intellectual traditions. All published articles are unpublished and are subject to an anonymous peer review process. 

The main disciplines covered by the journal are social and cultural anthropology, applied anthropology, social and cultural archaeology, ethnohistory, ethnography, ethnolinguistics, and Native American ethnoscience, and political and economic legal sciences related to Native American affairs. Revue d'études autochtones is open to all theoretical currents and intellectual traditions. The positions taken by the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Board, the Board of Directors, the Journal itself, or the Recherches autochtones au Québec Society.

Revue d'études autochtones is the successor to Recherches amérindiennes au Québec journal, which published thousands of texts (articles, columns, reviews, etc.) on the native populations of Quebec and the Americas between 1971 and 2021.


America, History and Life - Abstracts in Anthropology - Anthropological Index - Anthropological Literature - BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine - Bulletin signalétique (Ethnologie) - Bibliography of Native North Americans - CSA (Linguistic and Behavior Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts) - Current Abstracts - Google - Google Scholar - Historical Abstracts - - MLA International Bibliography - PubMed - Repère - Scopus - SocINDEX - Synergies Canada - TOC Premier


Pour communiquer avec la revue : 

Éric Chalifoux
Revue d'études autochtones
6742, rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, Québec
H2S 2S2

Courriel :

Téléphone : (514) 277-6178

Site Internet de la revue

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Courriel :

Téléphone : (514) 277-6178

Back issues (6 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Revue d’études autochtones is an international French language journal published in Québec since 1971. The articles published in the journal relate to First Nations of Québec, Canada, USA and Latin America. The journal is triannual and is under the supervision of a Director supported by members of an Editorial Committee.

The main disciplines which the journal is interested in are: social and cultural anthropology, applied anthropology, social and cultural archaeology, ethnohistory, ethnography, ethnolinguistics and Indigenous ethnoscience, and finally legal, political and economic sciences relating to Indigenous affairs. The journal is open to all theoretical currents and all intellectual traditions.

The Editorial Committee invites researchers to submit thematic proposals or articles. Before contacting the Journal or the Editor, researchers are encouraged to consult the Guide to Theme Issues and the Guidelines for Authors.

Peer Review Process

Revue d’études autochtones fully supports the principles of anonymous peer review. Any manuscript submitted to the journal Revue d’études autochtones for publication (an article or a research note) is first submitted to the Editorial Board, which judges its admissibility. The texts considered admissible are then peer reviewed by at least two recognized experts (external readers) who are selected from the international scientific community. This peer review process is completely anonymous. The selection of reviewers is the responsibility of the Editorial Board, which acts under the supervision of the Director.

The main criteria for evaluation are: interest and originality of the subject; the quality of the conceptual framework, the methodology and documentation used, the quality of the style and language as well as the overall structure of the article. An evaluation sheet is sent to external readers.

Any manuscript submitted for publication may be: (1) refused; 2) accepted with major revisions; 3) accepted with minor revisions or; 4) accepted as submitted. In case of major revisions, the Editorial Board reserves the right to re-submit the revised version of the article to an external reviewer.

In the event of conflicting reports from external reviewers, the Committee will use a third evaluation. If there is no agreement among the members of the Editorial Board following receipt of the divergent evaluations, a sub-committee of three persons (from the Editorial Board) will be formed and the final decision will be taken after reviewing and re-reading all external evaluations and the opinions of the Editorial Board members.


The author remains the copyright holder if his/her text is published in Revue d’études autochtones. However, we ask the author to sign an agreement that confers to the journal an exclusive first-time license and a non-exclusive license to reproduce and distribute the full text or extracts from the text. By publishing in RÉA, authors agree that the journal grants a Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International) license that allows people to copy, reproduce, distribute, and transmit copies of your articles. However, articles must be cited with reference to the original authors and include the permanent URL of said document in the reference.

Diffusion and Open Access

Revue d’études autochtones adheres to the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) definition of open access. Authors are not charged a publication fee for publishing their article in the RÉA Journal. Its contents are therefore available in immediate open access on the Érudit platform and the attribution of the CC BY-ND license confers to its readers rights of use without technical barrier such as reading, downloading, copying, distributing, printing the full text of the articles, searching within them, or referring to them through hyperlinks, as well as dissecting them for indexing, using them as data sets for software, or using them in any other legal manner. RÉA authorizes the author to self-archive the publisher's final version (Version of Record) of the text immediately upon publication on Érudit. The author who publishes in RÉA agrees not to self-archive the Preprint (Author's Accepted Manuscript versions) of his/her text.


Transparency and Best Practice

Revue d’études autochtones journal adheres to the principles of transparency and good scholarly publishing practices as advocated by four major scholarly publishing organizations (COPE, DOAJ, OASPA et WAME).

Digital Preservation

Revue d’études autochtones is permanently archived on Portico.

Anti-plagiarism Policy

In order to protect the authors’ rights and to ensure the unpublished nature of the texts it publishes, Revue d’études autochtones journal has adopted an anti-plagiarism policy. As a general rule, the quality of anonymous peer-reviewers makes it possible to avoid plagiarism. The Journal considers as act of plagiarism the fact of:

  • appropriating, in whole or in part, the work of others by passing them off as their own and / or without mentioning the source;
  • copying, in whole or in part, his/her own work already published, without mentioning the reference to the original publication (self-plagiarism);
  • summarize the original idea of an author by expressing it in his own words, but by omitting to mention the source.

If a case of plagiarism is detected before publication or if there is a serious doubt, the author will be immediately contacted and informed. If the plagiarism is minor, the author must rewrite and quote correctly its sources and include the exact references. If the plagiarism is more substantial (25% of the text and more), the article will be automatically rejected.

If a case of plagiarism is detected after publication, the article will be removed from the digital version of Revue d’études autochtones and, for the sake of transparency, an editorial note will be inserted in the paper version of the following issue.

If an article is refused or withdrawn due to plagiarism, its author will no longer be able to publish in Revue d’études autochtones. The Journal’s decisions regarding plagiarism are final.

Information for contributors


Presentation of manuscripts (articles, research notes ands other contributions)

Revue d’études autochtones publishes only original and unpublished texts. Manuscripts already published or already submitted in other journals cannot be accepted. Authors must advise us of any other project to publish the text submitted. Although the Journal cannot pay royalties, exclusivity is still required but agreements could be arrived at in specific cases.

All articles are published in French. Articles in other languages could be submitted and if they are accepted by the Editorial Board, they will be translated. Opinions expressed in the articles remain those of the authors. Articles must be submitted by email in WORD format (.doc or .docx). All quotes must be translated into French.

Epicene writing

Revue d’études autochtones advocates epicene writing, that is, writing that highlights the presence of women and men equally. We do not accept truncated forms, such as patient-e-s, patient/e/s or patient(e)s, which interfere with readability. For more details, see the Guide relatif à la rédaction épicène : respect des genres masculin et féminin.

Acceptance of contributions other than articles

Within the framework of a thematic issue, the Editorial Committee agrees to publish a certain number of texts (no more than four) which are not scientific articles but which complement the theme developed. The Committee has identified three categories of texts that may be accepted: commentary, testimony and point of view. As with regular articles, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to refuse any manuscript of this type submitted for publication. These texts must first be reviewed by the person responsible for the issue, who must be able to assess their relevance in the light of the criteria set out below. Then, the proposals accepted by the editor are submitted to the journal's editorial staff with suggestions (at least two) from external readers. These will then be read by a member of the Editorial Board and by an external reader. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse these texts. The journal's direction will decide whether these texts will be included in the paper version of the journal or distributed as a supplement on the journal's website. Maximum 3000 words plus bibliographical references (approx. 8-10 double-spaced pages).


The commentary provides an original perspective on a specific topic. It must clearly fit into the theme of the issue of the journal and offer added value to the articles, either through its original perspective or because it deals with a question or issue that is not addressed by the other texts. Unlike articles, the commentary does not have to be based on a specific theoretical or empirical approach. Rather, it offers a critical look at a specific issue, theme or literature. It must be a structured argument, enriched by the author's knowledge, personal experience and understanding of the relevant literature.


Testimony is a narrative, descriptive and/or explanatory account of a personal experience. The testimony must clearly fit into the theme of the issue of the journal and offer added value in relation to the articles through its original perspective or because it deals with a question or issue that is not addressed by the other texts. The objective here is less to propose an argument than to describe a precise situation, a lived experience or to present a life story in a concise manner. The testimony should be structured in a coherent, accessible style and should ideally include a section or conclusion of a more analytical nature.

Point of view

Critical in nature, the point of view or opinion concerns a current issue, problem or debate. The text must be in line with the theme of the issue of the journal and offer added value, either through its original viewpoint or because it deals with a question or issue that is not addressed by the other articles. The rules of coherence and respect for the norms of usage must be respected: avoidance of unsupported assertions and personal attacks, nuance and respect for contrary opinions, etc.).

Table of content (article and research note)

  • Title
  • Author ‘s name, institutional affiliation, postal address and email
  • Text for an article (between 7000 and 8000 words MAX. including endnotes and references)
  • Text for Research note (approx. 4500 words including endnotes and references)
  • Endnotes – at the end of the text (10 max.)
  • References cited (see below for the style)
  • Abstract (approx. 150 words) AND FIVE keywords
  • Bio-bibliographical note (125-150 words, see below for an example)


Figures photographs and captions

Maps, figures, tables or illustrations (with their captions) may be included in the article. They should be placed at the end of the text with a clear insertion point in-text. The author must ensure that the illustrations are free of rights. These maps, figures, tables or illustrations should also be sent in a separate document, AND please note they will not be returned to the authors. Photographs or figures are to be submitted in PDF or JPG format: 300 dpi for a width of 11,6 cm

Font and style

  • Recommended font : Times New Roman 12 justified with DOUBLE SPACED text;
  • First subtitle : Bold and Small Capital
  • Second subtitle : Bold only
  • Third subtitle : Italics

Bibliographic standards


Otis, Ghislain, dir. 2004. Droit, territoire et gouvernance des peuples autochtones. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.

Silver, Shirley et Wick Miller. 1997. American Indian Languages. Cultural and Social Contexts. Tucson : University of Arizona Press.

Article in a book (with an editor)

Rogers, Edward S. 1969. « Band Organization Among the Indian of Eastern Subarctic Canada ». Dans Contribution to Anthropology: Band Societies. Sous la direction de David Damas, 21-50. Bulletin 228, Ottawa : National Museum of Canada.

Article in a journal

Collings, Peter. 2005. « Housing Policy, Aging, and Life Course. Construction in a Canadian Inuit Community ». Arctic Anthropology 42(2) : 50-65.

Labrèche, Yves, et John C. Kennedy. 2007. « Héritage culturel des Métis du Labrador central ». Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 37 (2-3) : 43-60.

Thèse de doctorat ou mémoire de maîtrise

Gagnon, Denis. 2003. « Deux cents ans de pèlerinage : Les Mamit Innuat à Musquaro, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré et Sainte-Anne-d’Unamen-Shipu (1800-2000) ». Thèse de doctorat, département d’anthropologie, Université Laval, Québec. <URL if available>. <>.


ANC (Archives nationales du Canada), 1878-1932 : Manuan Agency. Surveys of the land for the Coocoocache Reserve. Indian Affairs, RG-120, vol. 7764, dossier 27074-3.

HBCA (Hudson's Bay Company Archives), A.6/15; A.6/17: London Office Correspondence, 1794, 1806.

Electronic sources

APN (Assemblée des Premières Nations). 2009. La santé environnementale et les femmes des premières nations : rapport de recherche. Assemblée des Premières Nations, Unité de la gestion de l’environnement. <> (consulté le 30 août 2017).

Canada, Gouvernement du. 1996. « Rapport de la Commission royale sur les peuples autochtones ». Gouvernement du Canada. <> (consulté le 30 août 2017).

Film and Audiovisual Document

Lamothe, Arthur. 1983. Mémoire battante. Ateliers audiovisuels du Québec et Radio-Québec, Québec, 164 min.

Tagoona, William. 1981. Northern Man. CBC, Boot Records.


Example of a bio-biographical note (could be submitted in English)

Pierre Beaucage, Ph. D. en anthropologie sociale (London School of Economics, 1970), est professeur émérite à l'Université de Montréal. Depuis 1963, il a réalisé une quinzaine de recherches de terrain en Amérique centrale et au Mexique, dont une recherche à long terme chez les Nahuas de la Sierra Norte de Puebla (1969-2010). En 2003, il a été titulaire de la Chaire de l'UNESCO sur le développement durable à l'Université de Valencia. Depuis 2007, il est professeur invité aux universités de Grenade et de Lleida (Espagne). Outre de nombreux articles, il a notamment publié : Imaginaires mexicains. Voyages dans le temps et l'espace (Musée de la civilisation/Fides, Québec/Montréal, 1998) et Corps, cosmos et environnement chez les Nahuas de la Sierra Norte de Puebla : une aventure en anthropologie (en coll. avec le Taller de Tradición Oral, Lux Éditeur, Montréal, 2009). Il a dirigé des numéros thématiques de Recherches amérindiennes au Québec et d'Anthropologie et Sociétés.

Courriel : Add your email address


Book Reviews and Critical Notes

The list of books received for review is posted on the Internet. To review a book, it can be acquired by contacting the person responsible for the reviews or the Editor. Authors must send their review (between 1200-1500 words) or their critical note (between 3000 and 3200 words) by email. The list of books available for review is regularly updated on the journal website (


The authors (of articles, research notes and book reviews) receive a PDF version of their text for private distribution (e.g., for grant applications) or for academic or educational purposes, as well as a promotional sheet of the issue which they are invited to distribute in their networks. They will also receive a print copy of the issue to which they have contributed.

Digital or Print Proofs

Unless otherwise stated, the journal does not send proofs of their articles to authors. The editorial staff reserves the right not to publish texts whose revision is excessive. The journal submits to the authors all major changes it proposes before the final graphic layout.


For many years, Recherches amérindiennes au Québec (now published as Revue d’études autochtones) has adopted the rules of the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) and the Commission de toponymie du Québec and the Geographical Names Board of Canada regarding the spelling of Indigenous ethnonyms and place names.


According to the new editorial guidelines, the journal now authorizes the use of ethnonyms and toponyms according to the transcription methods in use in the various communities. In order to avoid any confusion, it is important to indicate the OQLF spelling in French in parentheses at the first occurrence (e.g.: les Eeyouch (Cris); Ekuanitshit (Mingan), etc.).

The journal also asks authors to standardize the spelling chosen in their article and to justify the use of the selected spelling (e.g.: why choose "Eeyouch" instead of "Cree" or "W8banaki" or "W8banakiak" instead of "Abenaki") and, if possible, to specify the sources (official documents, informants, etc.). According to this new directive, gender and number agreement will no longer be mandatory.

Authors who wish to continue to use the rules of the OQLF and the Commission de toponymie du Québec et du Canada for the spelling of Indigenous ethnonyms and toponyms may do so.

Outside Quebec, the journal refers to the Geographical Names Board of Canada, which is available on the Internet.

Last Update : August 16th, 2022

Editorial board


Laurent Jérôme – Département de sciences des religions, Université du Québec à Montréal

Editor in Chief
Marie-Pierre Bousquet – Département d'anthropologie, Université de Montréal


Editorial Team

Editorial and coordination
Éric Chalifoux – Revue d'études autochtones et Université du Québec à Montréal

Linguistic revision
Camille Varnier – Posdoctorante ERCA, Université du Québec à Montréal

Person responsible of book Reviewers
Leila Inksetter – Département d esociologie, Université du Québec à Montréal

Graphis Design and layout
 Luc Mercier – Revue d'études autochtones

Subscriptions Manager
François Girard – Revue d'études autochtones

Abstracts translation
- english : Toby Morantz  – Département d'anthropologie, Université McGill
- spanish : Francisco Rivera – Universidad Católica del Norte, Chili


Editorial Committee

Marie-Pierre Bousquet
Département d'anthroplogie, Université de Montréal

Sébastien Brodeur-Girard
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue 

Adrian L. Burke
Département d'anthroplogie, Université de Montréal

Denys Delâge
Département de sociologie, Université Laval

Christian Gates Saint-Pierre
Département d'anthroplogie, Université de Montréal

Nicolas Houde
Département de sciences politiques, Université du Québec à Montréal

Leila Inksetter
Département de sociologie, Université du Québec à Montréal

Laurent Jérôme
Département de sciences des religions, Université du Québec à Montréal

Jonathan Lainey
Conservateur, Premiers Peuples, Musée McCord

Jacques Leroux
Département d'anthroplogie, Université de Montréal

Toby Morantz
Département d'anthropologie, Université McGill

Martin Papillon
Département de sciences politiques, Université de Montréal


International Committee

Philippe Descola
Collège de France, Paris, France

Emmanuel Désveaux
E.H.E.S.S. et L.A.S. Paris, France

Gilles Havard
Mondes Américains – CENA et CNRS, Paris, France

Frédéric B. Laugrand
Université catholique de Louvain et LAAP, Belgique

Thomas C. Patterson
University of California, Riverside (CA), USA

Joëlle Rostkowski
UNESCO et EHESS, Paris, France

Adriano Santiemma
Università di Cassino et Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italia

Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff
Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement, Genève, Suisse