Lumen Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Travaux choisis de la Société canadienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle
Managing editor(s): Charlène Deharbe (Éditeur), Heather Meek (Éditeur)
Journal preceded by Man and Nature / L'homme et la nature
Presentation of the Journal Lumen
Originally titled Man and Nature/L'Homme et la nature, Lumen was established in 1982 as the annual publication of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS). Lumen is a peer-reviewed bilingual journal based on the annual conference, and provides an interdisciplinary forum for excellent scholarship in eighteenth-century studies.
Journal's Site
Contact the journal :
Heather Meek
Département de littératures et de langues du monde
Université de Montréal
C-8118 Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150 Jean Brillant
Montréal (QC) H3C 3J7
Tel. : 514 343 6239
Email :
Abonnement à la version papier : Since 2012, the printing, distribution and management of Lumen subscriptions (vol. 31 and following) have been handled by Presses de l'Université de Montréal (PUM) :
Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal
3744, rue Jean-Brillant, local 6310
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1P1
Téléphone : 514-343-6933 poste 35190
Directrice de production : Sandra Soucy (
To obtain a copy of volumes 1 to 30:
Academic Publishing and Printing
5349 Chute Lake road
BC V1W 4Y1
Téléc. : 1-778-477-5664
Tel. : 1-250-764-5030
Abonnement numérique institutionnel : The electronic distribution of Lumen is supported by the É platform.
Publishing coordination : Émilie Paquin (
Invoicing and editorial validation: erudit-production@CEN.UMontreal.CA
Back issues (31 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Only members of Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century-Studies (CSECS) who first deliver papers to the society's annual meetings can submit their articles to the organizers of meetings who are appointed by the Executive to serve as editors of each volume.
Guest editors are responsible for the evaluation process of the articles sent to them. Each article will be evaluated by two external reviewers, chosen for their particular qualifications, as attested by their publications. The entire process is designed to be respectful of both authors and evaluators in order to ensure anonymity.
On the basis of recommendations submitted to them, guest editors will either accept or refuse submitted articles. The invited editors then carry out the usual checks concerning plagiarism: texts which, during submission or peer review, prove to be the result of plagiarism or self-plagiarism are immediately rejected. Invited publishers must also ensure that the text of the article is in accordance with the journal's presentation protocol; they may make minor modifications and, following the reviewers' comments, require greater modifications from the authors. Finally authors whose articles are accepted must sign a release form giving Lumen, among others, the right to authorize reproduction of their text, either electronic or in print, in all languages, and in all countries. However, institutional archiving (auto-archiving) is permitted. Lumen is permanently archived on Portico.
Lumen rejects any form of plagiarism and autoplagiarism.
Plagiarism, as we define it, consists in quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing an author's text or work without indicating its source with an explicit reference. Self-plagiarism, on the other hand, consists for the author of the article in partially or totally repeating a text already published, without specifying that this work has already been the subject of a publication.
Any article that is plagiarized/auto-plagiarized or contains plagiarized/auto-plagiarized passages will be rejected and, if it is already published, it will be removed from the electronic version of the journal. The author will also be prohibited from resubmitting an article to the journal.
In addition, if one of the external reviewers or the invited publisher informs the author of one or more incomplete or missing references, the author must make the necessary corrections to the text before publication, failing which the article will be rejected.
The Lumen team uses anti-plagiarism software, such as Compilatio, to detect plagiarism in submitted articles.
Information for contributors
Members of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies who attended the Society's annual conference may submit an article from their paper to visiting publishers until December of that year.
This article will be blindly evaluated by two external reviewers selected on the basis of qualifications documented in their previous publications. Following this evaluation, the authors will have to - if necessary - make the requested corrections concerning the content or presentation of their text. The authors are informed of Lumen's policy regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism (see above our Anti-Plagiarism Policy).
Finally, authors whose articles are selected must sign a copyright grant form and assign to Lumen, among other things, the right to authorize the reproduction and reprinting of the text, in electronic or printed form, in all languages, in all countries.
Editorial board
Editorial Committee
Lumen's editorial committee consists of the President of the SCEDHS and two publication directors whose mandates last five years:
- Joël Castonguay, president of the SCEDHS, The University of British Columbia ;
- Charlène Deharbe, Publishing Director of Lumen, Université Laval ;
- Heather Meek, Publishing Director of Lumen, Université de Montréal.
Each year, this team is joined by the organizers of the SCEDHS annual conference, who then act as guest editors.