Alberta Journal of Educational Research

Rédaction : Anna Kirova

À propos

L'Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER), basé à la Faculté d'éducation de l'Université d'Alberta, s'est consacré depuis 1955 à la diffusion, à l'interprétation, à la critique et au soutien de toutes les formes de recherche scientifique dans le domaine de l'éducation au sens large, et des disciplines associées à l'éducation, tant au niveau local qu’international. En raison de changements concernant le financement et qui fermeront effectivement les voies de soutien financier pour la publication trimestrielle, l'AJER suspendra sa publication après son numéro d'été 2024.

En tant que plus ancienne revue indépendante du Canada dans le domaine de l'éducation, sa suspension laisse un vide important parmi les publications de recherche sur l'éducation. Toutefois, les travaux publiés dans l'AJER resteront disponibles dans ses archives en ligne afin d'informer et d'inspirer la recherche future pendant que nous cherchons une voie durable pour l'avenir et qu'un plan de numérisation de tous les numéros est en cours.



845 Education South
Faculty of Education
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB T6G 2G5





Historique de la revue (2 numéros)

L’archivage pérenne des articles sur Érudit est assuré par Portico.

Politique éditoriale et éthique

About the Journal

Journal History

For almost 60 years, the Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER) has been published by the Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, as a peer-reviewed journal for the dissemination of educational research findings, and as a forum for the discussion of issues in education. When publication began in 1955, the focus of the journal was primarily the Province of Alberta. Then, as now, a purpose of AJER was to apprise Alberta school teachers and administrators of current educational research and trends in educational policy. AJER is the oldest active Canadian scholarly educational journal.

Peer Review Process

The Editor conducts an initial review for appropriateness, length, rigour, and structure. Suitable manuscripts are then subject to a double-blind review process. The review process involves no less than two reviewers, but usually entails three and sometimes four reviewers.

Abstracts are sent to members of our Review Board, who either indicate a willingness to review specific submissions, or they suggest names of scholars they believe would be appropriate reviewers. Names of graduate students well along in their programs are acceptable. Selection of the reviewers is made by the Editor based on the information received.

Upon receipt of the reviews, the Editor makes a decision based on the reviewers’ recommendations and comments. Authors are then informed of the decision. In the case of an initiation to "revise and resubmit", one or two of the original reviewers is solicited to undertake a subsequent review.


Publication Frequency

The Alberta Journal of Educational Research publishes quarterly. A volume includes four issues - Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.


Delayed Open Access

The contents of this journal will be available in an open access format 12 month(s) after an issue is published.

Effective 1 April 2017: The contents of this journal will be available in an open access format 12 month(s) after an issue is published.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Terms & Conditions of Usage - Effective 1 April 2017

Access to articles published in the online version of the current volume and previous volume of the Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER) is limited to institutions and individuals with a subscription (a "subscriber"). Articles published in the online version of AJER previous to the above referenced volumes are available to anyone, without need for a subscription ("other users").

By subscribing to, and/or accessing AJER Online (hereinafter called the "Journal") you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of this Agreement.

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The copyright in the Journal, including abstracts, is owned by the Governors of the University of Alberta, represented by the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta (the "Journal Publisher"). Copyright notices in the Journal may not be removed, obscured, or modified in any way. Unauthorized copying or redistribution of the Journal content is a violation of copyright laws.

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  5. The opinions, claims, and conclusions expressed in the articles published in the The Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER) are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of AJER, its editors, its reviewers, the University of Alberta, its administration, or Board of Governors. The research and theories presented in these articles are solely the claims of the contributing author(s). AJER assumes no responsibility for damages arising from the use or misuse of information contained in these articles.

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Updated: 15 February 2017


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Please refer to the APA 7th edition style manual for more information about plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.

Comité de rédaction

Editorial Team


Anna Kirova, University of Alberta, Canada

Book Review Editor

Jonathan David Anuik, University of Alberta, Canada


Yvonne Norton, University of Alberta, Canada

Copy Editors

Danielle E. Lorenz, University of Alberta, Canada

Editorial Assistant

Leah Kathleen Armontrout Spencer, University of Alberta, Canada


Dorine Chalifoux, Canada

Review Board

James Anderson, University of British Columbia
Jonathan Anuik, University of Alberta
Marlene Atleo, University of Manitoba
Oksana Babenko, University of Alberta
Abraham Barouch Gilbert, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo—UFES (Brazil)
Nadine Bartlett, University of Manitoba
Tanya Beran, University of Calgary
Pam Bishop, University of Western Ontario
Susan M. Brigham, Mount Saint Vincent University
Katie Brubacher, University of Alberta
Dawn Burleigh, University of Lethbridge
Charalambos Charalambous, University of Cyprus
Lorenzo Cherubini, Brock University
Man Wai Chu, University of Calgary
Maria Cutumisu, University of Alberta
Susan Drake, Brock University
William Dunn, University of Alberta
Joseph Engemann, Brock University
Richard Enns, University of Calgary
Claudia Eppert, University of Alberta
Amy Farrell, University of Manitoba
Alexandra Fidyk, University of Alberta
Rita Gardiner, Western University
David Geelan, University of Notre Dame Australia
George Georgiou, University of Alberta
Hartej Gill, University of British Columbia
Douglas Gleddie, University of Alberta
Shibao Guo, University of Calgary
Erika Hasebe-Ludt, University of Lethbridge
Roumiana Ilieva, Simon Fraser University
Steven Khan, Brock University
Mijung Kim, University of Alberta
Kim Koh, University of Calgary
Sandra G. (Sandie) Kouritzin, University of Manitoba
Megan Laverty, Columbia University
Joseph Levitan, McGill University
Xin Ma, University of Kentucky
Janelle McFeetors, University of Alberta
Angus McMurtry, University of Ottawa
Richard E. (Mort) Morehouse, Viterbo University
Francine Morin, University of Manitoba
Paul Newton, University of Saskatchewan
Wendy S. Nielsen, University of Wollongong
Joe Norris, Brock University
Greg Ogilvie, University of Lethbridge
Mike Parr, Nipissing University
Sharon Pelech, University of Lethbridge
Erin Peters-Burton, George Mason University
Cheryl Poth, University of Alberta
Larry Prochner, University of Alberta
Robert Renaud, University of Manitoba
Carlo Ricci, Nipissing University
Hetty Roessingh, University of Calgary
Toni Samek, University of Alberta
Nancy Spencer, University of Alberta
Erin Spring, University of Calgary
Lisa Son, Barnard College
Evelyn Steinhauer, University of Alberta
Lauren Sulz, University of Alberta
Jo Towers, University of Calgary
Jessica Van Vliet, University of Alberta
Bonnie Watt, University of Alberta
Lynne Wiltse, University of Alberta
Jing Xiao, University of Saskatchewan
Jonathan (Jon) Young, University of Manitoba
Christina Wai Mui Yu, Hong Kong Institute of Education