
Volume 39, numéro 1, 2015 Les Inuit au Labrador méridional The Inuit in southern Labrador Sous la direction de Lisa K. Rankin, Marianne P. Stopp et Amanda Crompton

Sommaire (14 articles)

  1. Introduction: les Inuit au Labrador méridional / Introduction: The Inuit in southern Labrador
  2. Bretons, Basques, and Inuit in Labrador and northern Newfoundland: The control of maritime resources in the 16th and 17th centuries
  3. The Inuit archaeology of the Quebec Lower North Shore
  4. Faceted Inuit-European contact in southern Labrador
  5. Identity markers: Interpreting sod-house occupation in Sandwich Bay, Labrador
  6. “They have gone back to their country”: French landscapes and Inuit encounters in 18th century southern Labrador
  7. Missionaries, merchants, and Inuit entrepreneurs: An examination of trade relations along the Labrador coast
  8. Labrador Inuit and their arrow shafts
  9. English-Inuit hostilities at Cape Charles (Labrador) in 1767
  10. L’héritage culturel inuit au Labrador méridional au XIXe siècle
  11. Being and becoming Inuit in Labrador

Recensions / Book reviews

  1. Thèses / Dissertations

Anciens numéros de Études/Inuit/Studies