Techno-Prosthetic Romantic Futurism


A Romanticism of the future. A Romanticism as the future. A Romantic Futurism. I can feel the digits invading my fingers as I type. My flesh is digitizing. My laptop is vegetizing. [1]   Where are the old boundaries? What are these new vistas? If the net is a nervous system, I am becoming a planet! Others saw this coming, right? Blake's apocalypse? Equiano's Africa? Barbauld's procession of civilizations? Byron's interminable satire? They just lacked the technologies to advance this particular mutation. Time to gene-splice: Blake to Gibson, Equiano to MF Doom, Barbauld to Butler, Byron to Burroughs. Revise. Replicate. Remix!


1. The movies of David Cronenberg might be a better way toward a Romantic Futurism than most criticism: Videodrome, Rabid, etc.


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