Techno-Prosthetic Romantic Futurism

Also Sprach Die Geschichte

Unicorp had successfully defended itself against the charge of ethnic cleansing in '95. [1]   Initially the Zappatistas had used the courts to advance their confused notions of justice. Their practice of spray painting "Let Dynamos Hum!" on public surfaces did not endear them to the tribunal, however. It sided against them on the basis that, following the Great Progenitor Edmund Burke, historical precedent sanctioned the social procession from Monarchal through National to Corporate governance. [2]   It was incidental that all positions of authority were held by occidentals. History had spoken. The tribunal issued its fatwa against counter-cultural activism.


1. The trial caused a sensation and resulted in the cryogenizing of seven of our members. For an account sympathetic to the Zappatistas, search the web under ZappaLives! and follow the links. The site revolves in an attempt to evade the spiders that constantly shut it down.

2. They may be banned now, but it's worth reading the old counter-histories like David Harvey's A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005).


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