Techno-Prosthetic Romantic FuturismThe Scar on his ForeheadHe worked for Unicorp, had for years, officially since '89 when the tenure decision came down and he underwent the cauterizing. [1] Last year he was promoted to Full Curator. The weapon on his hip was mostly for looks, but it was not inconceivable that the Zappatistas could hack their way in. What good is a fibrillator, he thought, against a digital enemy? But his was not to wonder. Homeland Security had issued it and that was that. [2] He flicked the stud behind his ear. Notes1. The identity of this functionary remains unclear. His involvement in the Byron Recryogenization Project seems incontestable. Tenure coincides with the fall of the Independents and the global consolidation of Unicorp. This account was found on encrypted biosoft stolen in Marrakesh. 2. See the official history of Homeland Security from its inception in the early post-democratic period: Milton Wundergunz, States of Fear (Washington: Govpub, 2105). Navigation |