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McGill University
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McGill University
Thèses et mémoires par auteur commençant par R
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Raghu, Vamshi.
2007 — On the design of extensible music authoring tools
Rawat, Sanjay.
2006 — The characterization of drilling process of woven composites using machinability maps approach /
Recalde, Aranzazu.
2006 — Immigration, nationalism and transnationalism in Argentina : the impact of criminalizing discourses and practices on the Peruvian, Bolivian and Paraguayan immigrants in La Plata City
Reddy, Naveen Krishna.
2006 — Study of growth of carbon nonotubes on pure metal and metal alloy electrodes
Richardson, Rébecca A. S.
2006 — Gabrielle Roy dans l'univers de Jacques Poulin
Riggi, Frank Peter.
2006 — Robust invariant feature correspondence for scene geometry estimates
Roberge, Mathieu.
2006 — A study of wet snow shedding from an overhead cable /
Robertson, Jenna B.
2006 — A centre and an edge : an educator's genealogy of community living in North America
Robinson, Michael
2007 — Robust minimum variance beamforming with multiple response constraints
Rouette, Marie-Pierre.
2007 — Évolution du traitement des enjeux relatifs à l'immigration et à l'integration des immigrants dans le discours partisan au Canada : analyse de contenu des plateformes électorales de 1993, 1997, 2000 et 2004
Rouleau, Guy.
2006 — Vision-guided capture of a free-flying object using a redundant serial manipulator
Rouleau, Léonie.
2006 — Endothelial cell response to shear stress in an asymmetric stenosis model
Roy-Proulx, Isabelle.
2006 — Présence et absence dans l'Amant de Duras
Rudzicz, Frank.
2006 — Clavius : understanding language understanding in multimodal interaction
Ryneczko, Christophe.
2006 — Le Grand Yaka : suivi de FerronAntonioni : La nuitLa notte
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