Citer cet article
Aasen, Clarence T. « Lyon, Deborah and Robert Fenton. The Development of Downtown Winnipeg: Historical Perpectives on Decline and Revitalization. Report No. 3. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1984. Pp. viii, 200. Maps, tables. $16.00 paper. » Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, volume 14, numéro 1, june 1985, p. 76–77.
Aasen, C. T. (1985). Compte rendu de [Lyon, Deborah and Robert Fenton. The Development of Downtown Winnipeg: Historical Perpectives on Decline and Revitalization. Report No. 3. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1984. Pp. viii, 200. Maps, tables. $16.00 paper]. Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 14(1), 76–77.
- Chicago
Aasen, Clarence T. « Lyon, Deborah and Robert Fenton. The Development of Downtown Winnipeg: Historical Perpectives on Decline and Revitalization. Report No. 3. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, 1984. Pp. viii, 200. Maps, tables. $16.00 paper ». Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine 14, no 1 (1985) : 76–77.
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