Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Numéro 2-78, october 1978 Immigrants in the City Sous la direction de Robert F. Harney et Harold Troper Sous la direction de Robert F. Harney et Harold Troper

Sommaire (14 articles)

Immigrants in the City

  1. Notes and Comments

Book Reviews

  1. Vance, J. E. This Scene of Man: The Role and Structure of the City in the Geography of Western Civilization. New York: Harper & Row, 1977. Pp. 420. Illustrations. $16.95
  2. Stave, Bruce M. The Making of Urban History: Historiography Through Oral History. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1977. Pp. 336. $6.95 paperback
  3. Armstrong, Christopher and Nelles, H. V. The Revenge of the Methodist Bicycle Company: Sunday Streetcars and Municipal Reform in Toronto, 1888-1897. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates Limited, 1977. Pp. ix, 214. Illustrations. $12.95
  4. Rees, Gary W. and Mary Hoeber. Catalogue of Sanborn Atlases at the California State University, Northridge. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Paper no. 1. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1973. Pp. xxi, 122. Illustrations. $4.00 / Union List of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Held by Institutions in the United States and Canada. Western Association of Map Libraries, Occasional Papers nos. 2 and 3. Santa Cruz, Cal.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1976-77. Vol. 1 (Alabama to Missouri) by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xvii, 178. $5.00. Vol. 2 (Montana to Wyoming; Canada and Mexico) by William S. Peterson-Hunt and Evelyn L. Woodruff, with a Supplement and Corrigenda to Vol. 1 by R. Philip Hoehn. Pp. xv, 201. $6.00
  5. Fishman, Robert. Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. New York: Basic Books, 1977. Pp. xiv, 332. Illustrated. $13.95
  6. MacColl, E. Kimbark, The Shaping of a City — Business and Politics in Portland, Oregon 1885 to 1915. Portland, Oregon: The Georgian Press Co., 1976. Pp. 535. $8.95
  7. Holli, Melvin, ed. Detroit. New York: New Viewpoints, 1976. Pp. 287. Tables, appendix, index. $12.50 hardcover, $6.50 paperback / Lubove, Roy, ed. Pittsburg. New York: New Viewpoints, 1976. Pp. 284. Tables, appendix, index. $12.50 hardcover, $6.50 paperback / Troen, Selwyn and Glen Holt, eds. St. Louis. New York: New Viewpoints, 1977. Pp. 213. Tables, appendix, index. $12.50 hardcover, $6.50 paperback
  1. Thesis Abstracts / Clark, W.L.R. "Politics in Brandon City, 1899-1949." Ph.D. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1976) / Flanders, Douglas L. "Urban Church Redundancy, 1914-1975: Case Studies in London, Ontario and the Parkdale District, Toronto." M.A. Thesis (University of Western Ontario, 1977) / Gilpin, John F. "The City of Strathcona, 1891-1912." M.A. Thesis (University of Alberta, 1978) / Potyondi, Barry. "Country Town: The History of Minnedosa, Manitoba, 1879-1922." M.A. Thesis (University of Manitoba, 1978)

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