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Armstrong, Frederick H. « McCormack, A.R., and MacPherson, I., Cities in the West: Papers of the Western Canada Urban History Conference. National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, History Division Paper No. 10. Ottawa 1975. 316 pp., maps. » Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, numéro 3-75, february 1976, p. 68–70.
Armstrong, F. H. (1976). Compte rendu de [McCormack, A.R., and MacPherson, I., Cities in the West: Papers of the Western Canada Urban History Conference. National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, History Division Paper No. 10. Ottawa 1975. 316 pp., maps.] Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, (3-75), 68–70.
- Chicago
Armstrong, Frederick H. « McCormack, A.R., and MacPherson, I., Cities in the West: Papers of the Western Canada Urban History Conference. National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, History Division Paper No. 10. Ottawa 1975. 316 pp., maps. ». Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-75 (1976) : 68–70.
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