My first translation of French philosopher Catherine Malabou’s work is “An Eye at the Edge of Discourse” (2007), in which she asks “What is it to see a thought? To see a thought coming?” This question prompted me to ask in turn, “What is it to see a thought coming in translation?” I put this question to readers of translations and, in a self-reflexive move, as a translator of her French thought into English. Engaging a seminar on this topic in which Malabou offered a retrospective account of how plasticity has emerged in her work over more than two decades, I consider its transdisciplinary potential specifically as it manifests in the field of translation, and here in the translation of scholarly thought.
Following this retrospective gaze, I consider a recent article that is still untranslated from the French, Malabou’s “Quand on n’a que le discours: Réflexions sur la forme” (2022a). Drawing on the intersection of thinking and seeing, I refer to three artists—Kader Attia, Sophia Wallace, and Pearl Shread—to explore the valences of visibility and intelligibility, as well as routes of access to thought and knowledge.
I conclude my discussion with brief reflections on my recent Malabou translation Stop Thief! Anarchism and Philosophy (2023), suggesting that the act of translation offers a possible route to autonomy and self-determination in the face of dominating effects of governance.
- Catherine Malabou,
- plasticity,
- translation,
- philosophy,
- art
La première traduction que j’ai faite de l’oeuvre de la philosophe française Catherine Malabou est un article intitulé « Un oeil au bord du discours » (2000b; trad. 2007), dans lequel elle demande « Qu’est-ce que voir une pensée? Voir une pensée venir? » Sa question provoque l’interrogation de cet article, à savoir, « Qu’est-ce que voir venir une pensée dans une traduction? » Question adressée aux lecteurs des traductions et, dans une démarche autoréflexive, que je médite en tant que traductrice de sa pensée française vers l’anglais. En m’appuyant sur un séminaire qu’elle a consacré à ce sujet, dans lequel elle a analysé rétrospectivement l’apparition, sur plus de vingt ans, de la plasticité dans son travail, j’examine le potentiel transdisciplinaire de la plasticité, tel que le concept se manifeste dans le champ de la traduction, notamment dans la traduction de la pensée savante.
Suivant ce regard rétrospectif, je m’appuie sur un article récent de Malabou qui n’a toujours pas été traduit du français, intitulé « Quand on n’a que le discours: Réflexions sur la forme » (2022a). Évoquant l’intersection de la pensée et de la vision, je fais référence à trois artistes – Kader Attia, Sophia Wallace et Pearl Shread – afin d’explorer les possibles de la visibilité et de l’intelligibilité, ainsi que les voies d’accès à la pensée et à la connaissance.
Je conclus ma discussion avec quelques réflexions sur la plus récente traduction de Malabou de Au voleur! Anarchisme et philosophie (2022c), suggérant que l’acte de traduire offre une voie à l’autonomie et à l’autodétermination face aux effets dominants de la gouvernance.
Mots-clés :
- Catherine Malabou,
- plasticité,
- traduction,
- philosophie,
- art
Parties annexes
- Butler, Judith (2022). “Penser Avec.” In Isabelle Claire and Elsa Dorlin, eds. Photos de famille: Penser des vies intellectuelles d’un point de vue féministe. Paris, Éditions d’EHESS, pp. 131-139.
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- Canguilhem, Georges (1990). Études d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences concernant les vivants et la vie. Paris, Vrin.
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- Diagne, Souleymane Bachir (2022). De langue à langue: l’hospitalité de la traduction. Paris, Albin Michel.
- Estourelle, Nicholas (2022). “Entretien avec Catherine Malabou: ’Ce qui se passe à la surface’: les concepts de surface et plasticité.” French Studies, 76, 2, pp. 248-264.
- Harlingue, Olivier (2002). “Plasticité, Rencontres du Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Catherine Malabou.” Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 192, 1, pp. 103-105.
- Keysar, Boaz et al. (2012). “The Foreign-Language Effect: Thinking in a Foreign Tongue Reduces Decision Biases.” Psychological Science, 23, 6, pp. 661-668. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797611432178 [consulted 28 July 2024].
- Lemieux, René (2015). L’im-possible: Americanité de Jacques Derrida. Une critique sémiopolitique de la traductibilité d’un auteur. Ph.D. dissertation. Université du Québec à Montréal. Unpublished.
- Malabou, Catherine, ed. (2000a). Plasticité. Paris, Éditions Léo Scheer.
- Malabou, Catherine (2000b). “Un oeil au bord du discours.” Études phénoménologiques, 16, 31-32, pp. 209-222.
- Malabou, Catherine (2004). Que faire de notre cerveau? Paris, Bayard.
- Malabou, Catherine (2005). La plasticité au soir de l’écriture: Dialectique, destruction, déconstruction. Paris, Éditions Léo Scheer.
- Malabou, Catherine (2007). “An Eye at the Edge of Discourse.” Trans. Carolyn Shread. Communication Theory: A Journal of the International Communication Association, 17, 1, pp. 16-25.
- Malabou, Catherine (2008). What Should We Do with Our Brain? Trans. Sebastian Rand. New York, Fordham University Press.
- Malabou, Catherine (2009a). Changer de différence: Le féminin et la question philosophique. Paris, Galilée.
- Malabou, Catherine (2009b). Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction. Trans. Carolyn Shread. New York, Columbia University Press.
- Malabou, Catherine (2011). Changing Difference: The Feminine and the Question of Philosophy. Trans. Carolyn Shread. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
- Malabou, Catherine (2016a). “One Life Only: Biological Resistance, Political Resistance.” Critical Inquiry, 42, 3, pp. 429-438.
- Malabou, Catherine (2016b). Before Tomorrow: Epigenesis and Rationality. Trans. Carolyn Shread, Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
- Malabou, Catherine (2017). Métamorphoses de l’intelligence: Que faire de leur cerveau bleu? Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
- Malabou, Catherine (2019). Morphing Intelligence: From IQ Measurement to Artificial Brains. Trans. Carolyn Shread. New York, Columbia University Press.
- Malabou, Catherine (2020). Le plaisir effacé. Clitoris et pensée. Paris, Éditions Payot & Rivage.
- Malabou, Catherine (2022a). “Quand on n’a que le discours: Réflexions sur la forme.” Modern Language Notes, 137, 4, pp. 637-645.
- Malabou, Catherine (2022b). Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought. Trans. Carolyn Shread. Cambridge, UK, Polity.
- Malabou, Catherine (2022c). Au voleur! Anarchisme et philosophie. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
- Malabou, Catherine (2023). Stop Thief! Anarchism and Philosophy. Trans. Carolyn Shread. Cambridge, UK, Polity.
- Malabou, Catherine and Hannes Opelz (2022). “L’avenir de la mimèsis: Entretien, Catherine Malabou et Hannes Opelz.” Modern Language Notes, 137, 4, pp. 801-813.
- Marais, Kobus (2018). A (Bio)Semiotic Theory of Translation: The Emergence of Social-Cultural Reality. London and New York, Routledge.
- Mbembe, Achille (2021). “The Universal Right to Breath.” Trans. Carolyn Shread. Critical Inquiry, 47, pp. 58-62. Available at: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/711437 [consulted 17 September 2023].
- Miozzo, Michele et al. (2020). “Foreign Language Effect in Decision-Making: How Foreign is It?” Cognition, 199, n.p.. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104245 [consulted 28 July 2024].
- Ricoeur, Paul (2006). On Translation. Trans. Eileen Brennan. New York, Routledge.
- Robinson, Douglas (2006). “Proprioception of the Body Politic: ’Translation as Phantom Limb’ Revisited.” Translating and Interpreting Studies, 1, 2, pp. 43-71.
- Rockhill, Gabriel (2004). “Editors Preface: The Reconfiguration of Meaning.” In Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensibler. Ed. and trans. Gabriel Rockhill. London and New York, Continuum, pp. viii-xi.
- Shread, Carolyn (2007). “Metamorphosis or Metramorphosis? Towards A Feminist Ethics of Difference in Translation.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 20, 2, pp. 213-242.
- Shread, Carolyn (2018a). “Watching Thinking Move: Malabou in Translation.” In Thomas Wormald and Isabelle Dahms, eds. Thinking Catherine Malabou: Passionate Detachments. London, Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd., pp. 11-20.
- Shread, Carolyn (2018b). “Translating Feminist Philosophers.” In Piers Rawling and Philip Wilson, eds. Routledge Handbook of Translation and Philosophy. London and New York, Routledge, pp. 324-344.
- Shread, Carolyn (2019). “Une intelligence autre: Reception Plasticity and the Melancholy of the Translated Author.” Palimpsestes, 33, pp. 92-101.
- Shread, Carolyn (2022). “Translator’s Preface: Translating the Emergence of the Point Médian, or Clitordian Anarchy in the Text.” In Catherine Malabou. Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press, pp. ix-xvi.
- Shread, Carolyn (forthcoming). “Being Couldn’t Give a Fuck About Power, Or Translation and Anarchism in Philosophy.” In Fruela Fernández and Laura Galián, eds. Translation and Anarchism: Resistance, Expansion, and Renewal. London, Routledge.
- Susam-Savaeva, Şebnem and Carolyn Shread (forthcoming). “Translating with the Earth.” Inaugural special issue, Feminist Translation Studies.
- Venuti, Lawrence (2019). Contra-Instrumentalism: A Translation Polemic. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
- Yildiz, Yasemin (2012). Beyond the Mother Tongue: Multilingual Practices and the Monolingual Paradigm. New York, Fordham University.