As she worked through the nineteenth century Victoria Welby elaborated a fascinating theory of translation based on her theory of sign and meaning, which she designated with the term significs. This means to say that, on the one hand, Welby’s theory of translation took account of the vastness and variety of the world of signs, therefore of the unbounded nature of translative-interpretive processes which cannot be limited to the mere transition from one language to another. The condition for interlingual translation in the human world is the larger context where translative processes converge with life processes and maybe push beyond in what would seem to be an unbounded cosmic dimension. On the other hand, that Welby should have related her translation theory to her theory of sign and meaning also implies that she founded her translation theory in a theory of value recognizing the inevitable importance of the latter when translating within a single language as much as across different languages in a plurilingual and intercultural world. Ultimately, in the properly human world, to translate means to interpret, that is, to translate transfiguring and transvaluating significance.
- significs,
- significance,
- value,
- interpretation,
- critical methodology
Au XIXe siècle, Victoria Welby élabore une remarquable théorie de la traduction et propose pour cette nouvelle conception du signe et du sens le terme signifique. D’une part, cette théorie de la traduction explore le vaste monde du signe de même que la nature insondable des processus de traduction et d’interprétation qui, bien évidemment, ne peuvent se résumer à une simple transposition d’une langue à une autre. En effet, la traduction interlangue s’inscrit dans un contexte où les circonstances actuelles font en sorte que le cours de la vie et les processus de traductions convergent, nous propulsant au-delà de ce qui pourrait sembler être une dimension cosmique sans frontière. D’autre part, en établissant un rapport entre sa théorie de la traduction et sa théorie du signe et du sens, Welby laisse entendre que sa théorie de la traduction est aussi créée à partir d’une théorie des valeurs, reconnaissant l’importance de cette dernière en traduisant, au sein d’un univers plurilingue et interculturel, autant dans une même langue que dans des langues différentes. Dans un monde qui est propre à l’être humain, traduire, c’est interpréter, c’est-à-dire transfigurer et transvaluer la signifiance.
- signifique,
- signifiance,
- valeur,
- interprétation,
- méthodologie critique
Parties annexes
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- CUST, Mrs. Henry (Nina) Cust (1931). Other Dimensions: A Selection from the Later Correspondence of Victoria Lady Welby. Ed. Mrs. H. Cust, intro. L. P. Jacks. London, Jonathan Cape.
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- JAKOBSON, Roman (1971 [1959]). On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. In Selected Writings, vol. II. The Hague, Mouton, pp. 260-266.
- NOLAN, Rita (1990). “Anticipatory Themes in the Writings of Lady Welby.” In W. H. Schmitz, ed. Essays on Significs. Papers Presented on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Victoria Lady Welby. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 83-101.
- PEIRCE, Charles S. (1931-1958). Collected Papers. Vols. 1-8, C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss, W. Burks, eds. Cambridge, MA, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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- PETRILLI, Susan (1995). Materia segnica e interpretazione. Lecce, Milella.
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- PETRILLI, Susan (2001). Welby Victoria Lady Welby. In The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics. Ed. P. Cobley. London, Routledge, pp. 285-286.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2003a). “The Objective Character of Misunderstanding. When the Mystifications of Language are the Cause.” In E. Tarasti, Understanding/Misunderstanding. Contributions to the Study of the Hermeneutics of Signs, Acta Semiotica Fennica XVI. Helsinki, Hakapaino, pp. 127-145.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2003b). “Victoria Lady Welby and Significs.” In E. Tarasti, Understanding/Misunderstanding. Contributions to the Study of the Hermeneutics of Signs, Acta Semiotica Fennica XVI. Helsinki, Hakapaino, pp. 52-67.
- PETRILLI, Susan (ed. and intro.) (2003c). Translation Translation. Amsterdam, GA, Rodopi.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2005a). “About Welby.” In S. Petrilli and A. Ponzio, Semiotics Unbounded. Interpretive Routes through the Open Network of Signs. Toronto, Toronto University Press, pp. 80-137.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2005b). Percorsi della semiotica. Bari, Graphis.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2006a). “Meaning, Metaphor, and Intepretation: Modeling New Worlds.” Semiotica. Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, 161-1/4, 2006, pp. 75-119, Special Issue, F. Nuessel, ed.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2006b). Significs, Intepretation, Translation. Writings, with Commentary, by Victoria Welby and the Signific Movement [a tentative title], Toronto, Toronto University Press, forthcoming.
- PETRILLI, Susan (2006c). Comunicazione, interpretazione, traduzione. Ed. and intro. by S. Petrilli. Milan, Mimesis.
- PETRILLI, Susan and Augusto PONZIO (2005). Semiotics Unbounded. Interpretive Routes through the Open Network of Signs. Toronto, Toronto University Press.
- PONZIO, Augusto (2006a). “Metaphor and Poetic Logic in Vico.”Semiotica. Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, 161-1/4, pp. 231-249, Special Issue, F. Nuessel, ed.
- PONZIO, Augusto (2006b). The Dialogic Nature of Sign. Eng. Trans. S. Petrilli. Toronto, Legas.
- PONZIO, Augusto (2007a). Fuori luogo. Rome, Meltemi.
- PONZIO, Augusto (2007b). A mente. Perugia, Guerra.
- POSNER, Roland, Klaus ROBERING and Thomas A. SEBEOK, eds. (1997-2004). Semiotik Semiotics. A Handbook on the Sign-Theoretic Foundations of Nature and Culture. 3 Vols. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter.
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- ROSSI-LANDI, Ferruccio (1992). Between Signs and Non-signs. Ed. S. Petrilli. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
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- SCHMITZ, H. Walter (ed. and pref. i-ix.) (1990). Essays on Significs. Papers Presented on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Victoria Lady Welby. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
- SEBEOK, Thomas A. (2001). Global Semiotics. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
- TARASTI, Eero (ed.) (2003). Understanding/ Misunderstanding. Contributions to the Study of the Hermeneutics of Signs, Acta Semiotica Fennica XVI. International Semiotics Institute at Imatra Semiotic Society of Finland, Helsinki, Hakapaino.
- TÖNNIES, Ferdinand (1899-1900). “Philosophical Terminology (I-III).” (‘Welby Prize Essay’ translated by Mrs. B. Bosanquet). Mind 8 (31-32), pp. 286-332, pp. 467-491; 9 (33), pp. 46-61.
- VAILATI, Giovanni (1987 [1898]). Il metodo deduttivo come strumento di ricerca. In G. Vailati, Scritti. 3 vols., ed. M. Quaranta. Sala Bolognese, Arnaldo Forni Editore, vol. II, pp. 18-48.
- VAILATI, Giovanni (1987 [1905]). I tropi della logica. In G. Vailati, Scritti. 3 vols., ed. M. Quaranta. Sala Bolognese, Arnaldo Forni Editore, vol. I, pp. 21-28.
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- WELBY, Victoria (1883 [1881]). Links and Clues. London, Macmillan & Co.
- WELBY, Victoria (1890a). “Is there a Break in Mental Evolution?”(Paper read at the Leeds Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Leeds, 5 September 1890). In Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 60, pp. 972-973.
- WELBY, Victoria (1890b). Abstract of “An Apparent Paradox in Mental Evolution.” Paper founded on one called ‘Is there a Break in Mental Evolution?’ by V. W. and read at the Anthropological Institute, 9 December 1890. Grantham, W. Clarke.
- WELBY, Victoria (1893). “Meaning and Metaphor.” The Monist 3(4): 510-525. Now in V. Welby, 1985.
- WELBY, Victoria (1896). “Sense, Meaning and Interpretation.” Mind, N. S. 5(17): 24-37, 5(18): 186-202. Now in V. Welby 1985.
- WELBY, Victoria with G. F. STOUT (1902a). “Sensal.” In J. M. Baldwin 19011905, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology in Three Volumes. London, Macmillan, vol. 2, p. 515.
- WELBY, Victoria with G. F. STOUT and J. M. BALDWIN (1902b). Significs. In J. M. Baldwin 1901-1905, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology in Three Volumes. London, Macmillan, vol. 2, p. 529.
- WELBY, Victoria with G. F. STOUT and J. M. BALDWIN (1902c). “Translation.” In J.M. Baldwin 1901-1905, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology in Three Volumes. London, Macmillan, vol. 2, p. 712.
- WELBY, Victoria with G. F. STOUT and J. M. BALDWIN (1911). “Significs.” In The Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11 ed., vol. XXV, pp. 78-81. Cambridge, At the University Press. Now in C. S. Hardwick, Semiotic and Significs. The Correspondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Welby. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1977, pp. 167-175.
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- Welby Collection in the York University Archives and Special Collections, Scott Library, York University, Downsview, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Box 1-21: Correspondence 1861-1912; Box 22-42: Subject Files.
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