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Biographical notes
Colleen Kim Daniher is a 2017-2019 Center for Humanistic Inquiry Fellow at Amherst College. Previously, she was a Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University, where she taught courses in the Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies. She received her Ph.D. in Performance Studies from Northwestern University, and holds MA and BA degrees in Theatre, Music, and English from the University of Guelph and the University of Western Ontario. Her teaching and research interests include critical race studies, visual cultural studies, and Asian diasporic theatre and performance. Currently, she is completing a book manuscript, Obdurate Sights: Performing Racial Ambiguity in American Visual Culture, which situates racial ambiguity as both an aesthetic strategy and a performative mode of racialized sight in 20th-century transnational American culture. This research has been supported by fellowships from the American Society for Theatre Research, the American Theatre and Drama Society, and the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada. Daniher’s writing has been published in e-misférica, Theatre Journal, and Modern Drama (forthcoming), and she has served as a member-at-large for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education’s Performance Studies Focus Group since 2015.
Katherine Zien is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at McGill University. Zien’s pedagogy and research focus on theatre and performance in the Americas, with emphasis on transnational mobility, cultural policy, and frameworks of racialization. Her book, Sovereign Acts: Performing Race, Space, and Belonging in Panama and the Canal Zone (Rutgers University Press, 2017) investigates intersections between performances and legal constructions of imperialism, race, and nation-state sovereignty in the Panama Canal Zone during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Zien’s research is featured in journals including Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Theatre Survey, Women and Performance, The Journal of Popular Music Studies, e-misférica, Theatre Research in Canada,, Global South, Identities, and Latin American Theatre Review. She may be contacted at
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