Volume 33, numéro 1, 2012
Sommaire (14 articles)
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Front Matter
Walking the Edge of the Stage in Theory; Or, Janet Cardiff's Sensorium for Intermedial Bodies
Verbatim Theatre and Social Research:: Turning Towards the Stories of Others
Lunettes Noires et autres Éecrans Identitaires dans L’œuvre de Michel Tremblay
"No Good. Go Home":: Past Lives and Disrupted Homes in Catherine Bank's Three Story, Ocean View
Compte Rendus/Book Reviews
Peter Dickinson World Stages, Local Audiences: Essays on Performance, Place, and Politics.
́Éric Méchoulan D’où nous viennent nos idées? Métaphysique et intermédialité.
Albert-Reiner GLAAP (with assistance from Michael Heinze and Neil johnston) Jewish Facets of Contemporary Canadian Drama.
Reviews of the Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English series
Linda Burnett, ed. Theatre in Atlantic Canada.; Laura Levin, ed. Theatre and Performance in Toronto.
Rob Appleford, ed. Aboriginal Drama and Theatre. Vol. 1; Alan Filewod, ed. Theatre Histories. Vol. 13; Susan Knutson, ed. Canadian Shakespeare. Vol. 18
Natalie Rewa, ed. Design and Scenography. Vol. 15; Michael McKinnie, ed. Space and the Geographies of Theatre. Vol. 9; Andrew Houston, ed. Environmental and Site-Specific Theatre. Vol. 8
Rosalind Kerr, ed. Queer Theatre in Canada. Vol. 7