Volume 31, numéro 2, 2010
Sommaire (16 articles)
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Front Matter
Introduction: Marie Clements
Présentation: Marie Clements
Speaking Up, Speaking Out, Or Speaking Back:: The Signposts Are In The Right Direction
Theatrical Medicine:: Aboriginal Performance, Ritual and Commemoration (for Vanessa Lee Buckner)
Age of Iron:: Adaptation and the Matter of Troy in Clements’s Indigenous Urban Drama
Romance, Recognition and Revenge in Marie Clements’s The Unnatural and Accidental Women
The. Women. The Subject(s) of The Unnatural and Accidental Women and Unnatural and Accidental
"You do not understand ME":: Hybridity and Third Space in Age of Iron
The Murmuring-In-Between:: Eco-centric Politics in The Girl Who Swam Forever
Book Reviews / Comptes Rendus
Robin C. Whittaker, ed. Hot Thespian Action!: 10 Premiere Plays from Walterdale Playhouse
Monique Mohica and Ric Knowles, eds. Staging Coyote's Dream: An Anthology of First Nations Drama in English, Vol. I and Vol. II
Sherrill Grace and Jerry Wasserman, eds. Theatre and AutoBiography: Writing and Performing Lives in Theory and Practice
Ric Knowles, ed. The Shakespeare's Mine: Adapting Shakespeare in Anglophone Canada; Leanore Lieblein, ed. A Certain William: Adapting Shakespeare in Francophone Canada