Gregory Baum was not a great theologian like the systematic giants of the mid-20th century. Rather, in a rapidly changing world which no one single person, group or discourse can fully grasp, he was a different kind of theologian, in dialogue with expanding circles of others, exploring new interdisciplinary pathways, forging another kind of theology witnessing to hope that another world is possible.
Gregory Baum n’était pas un grand théologien comme les géants systématiques du milieu du 20e siècle. Plutôt, dans un monde en évolution rapide qu’aucune personne, aucun groupe ou aucun discours ne peut pleinement saisir, il était un autre type de théologien, en dialogue avec des cercles en expansion d’altérités, explorant de nouvelles voies interdisciplinaires, forgeant un autre type de théologie témoignant de l’espoir qu’un autre monde est possible.
Parties annexes
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- Baum, G. (1974), « Catholic homosexuals », Commonweal, 99/19, p. 479-482.
- Baum, G. (1975a), « Personal Experience and Styles of Thought », dans G. Baum, dir., Journeys. The Impact of Personal Experience on Religious Thought, New York, Paulist Press, p. 5-33.
- Baum, G. (1975b), Religion and Alienation. A Theological Reading of Sociology, New York, Paulist Press.
- Baum, G. (1996), The Church for Others. Protestant Theology in Communist East Germany, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans.
- Baum, G. (1999), « Concluding Reflections. Looking back over the Century », dans G. Baum, dir., The Twentieth Century. A Theological Overview, Maryknoll, Orbis Books, p. 238-249.
- Baum, G. (2003), « Jewish-Christian Dialogue under the Shadow of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict », Theologiques 11/1-2, p. 205-21.
- Baum, G. (2004), « The Personal Dimension. My Entry into Critical Political Consciousness », Canadian Dimension, 38, p. 20-23.
- Baum, G. (2005), Amazing Church. A Catholic Theologian Remembers a Half-Century of Change, Ottawa and Maryknoll, Novalis and Orbis Books.
- Baum, G. (2014), Truth and Relevance. A Glance at Catholic Theology in French Quebec, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Baum, G. (2015a), Fernand Dumont. A Sociologist turns to Theology, Montréal, McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Baum, G. (2015b), « From the Heart. Faith and the ‘Option for the Poor’», Touchstone, 33/2, p. 51-55.
- Baum, G. (2017), The Oil has not run dry. The Story of my Theological Pathway, Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press.
- Baum, G., H. Frankenmölle et C. Münz (2002), dir., Frieden für Israel. Israeli Peace and Human Rights Groups in Israel, Paderborn, Verlag Otto Lembeck.
- Benhabib, S. (2002), The Claims of Culture. Equality and Diversity in the Global Era, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
- Connelly, J. (2012), From Enemy to Brother. The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews, 1933-1965, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
- Cormie, L. (2018), « Expanding Decolonial Horizons. Implications for the Renewal of Theology », dans J.-F. Roussel, dir., Decoloniality and Justice. Theological Perspectives, São Leopoldo, Oikos, p. 51-64.
- Cormie, L. (2014), « The end of the world as we know it. Critical dialogue with Thomas Berry », Voices, 37/2-3, p. 53-64, Http://internationaltheologicalcommission.org/VOICES/index.html
- Cormie, L. (2017), « Religious Others and Global Social Justice Movements », dans J. Smith, M. Goodhart, P. Manning et J. Markoff, dir., Social movements and world-system transformation, New York, Routledge / Taylor and Francis, p. 132-58.
- Curran, C. (2005), « Where have the Dominant Theologians gone? », National Catholic Reporter, 4 février 2005.
- Defenders of Due Process for Tariq Ramadan (2018), « World Outrage at Tariq Ramadan’s Unjust Treatment. Journalists, Academics, Filmmakers Express Outrage at Tariq Ramadan’s Unjust Treatment by French Judiciary », Worldwide Appeal for Due Process, Https://dptr-cjpme.nationbuilder.com/outrage_at_tariq_ramadan_s_unjust_treatment
- Paul VI (1965), Humanae vitae, Encyclical on the Regulation of Birth, Vatican City, The Holy See.
- Ramadan, T. (2013), « Egypt. Coup d’État, Act II », Tariqramadan.Com, Http://www.tariqramadan.com/spip.php?article12927&lang=fr
- Ramadan, T. (2015), « The Paris attackers Hijacked Islam but there is no War between Islam and the West », The Guardian, Https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/09/paris-hijackers-hijacked-islam-no-war-between-islam-west
- Ramadan, T. (2017), « We will not tackle Extremism by stigmatizing Muslim Citizens », The Guardian, Https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/05/we-will-not-tackle-extremism-by-stigmatising-muslims
- Ramadan, T., H. McRobie and R. Bechler (2012), « Interview on the Post-Arab Spring », openDemocracy, Http://www.opendemocracy.net/tariq-ramadan-heather-mcrobie-rosemary-bechler/tariq-ramadan-interviewed-post-arab-spring
- Reuters in Rome (2018), « Pope Francis on Chile Sexual Abuse Scandal. “I Was Part of the Problem”», The Guardian, Https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/02/pope-francis-chile-sexual-abuse-scandal-part-of-problem
- Ruether, R. R. (1972), Liberation Theology. Human Hope confronts Christian History and American Power, New York, Paulist Press.
- Spadaro, A. (2013), « A Big Heart open to God. An Interview with Pope Francis », America Magazine, Http://www.americamagazine.org/pope-interview
- Vatican Council II (1965), Gaudium et spes, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Vatican City, The Holy See, http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_cons_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en.html
- World Synod of Bishops (1971), Justice in the world. Final Document of the Second World Synod of Bishops, 30 September - 6 November 1971, Vatican City, The Holy See, Http://www.osjspm.org/cst/jw.htm