The question of ecclesiological identity is a pressing one in the contemporary context, particularly in the light of the church’s increasing marginalization or relative insignificance within Western society. This question of ecclesiological identity is explored by way of engagement with the guest Christology of the Nigerian Presbyterian theologian Enyi Ben Udoh, and by way of John Koenig’s New Testament Hospitality. The result is a suggestive and constructive vision of the church that prioritizes its status as guest, in relation to the Christ who comes to the human family as guest, then kin, then Lord. The implications of this guest Christology for the church are sketched in conclusion.
L’identité ecclésiologique est une question urgente dans le contexte contemporain, en particulier avec la croissance de marginalisation de l’Église et de son insignifiance relative au sein de la société occidentale. Cette question d’identité ecclésiologique est examinée à travers la « guest Christology » du théologien nigérian presbytérien Enyi Ben Udoh et à travers le livre New Testament Hospitality de John Koenig. Le résultat est une vision suggestive et constructive de l’Église qui priorise son statut d’invité, en relation avec le Christ qui vient à la famille humaine en tant qu’invité, puis parent, puis Seigneur. Les implications de ce concept du « Guest Christology » pour l’Église sont esquissées en conclusion.
Parties annexes
- Arnal, W. E. (2001), Jesus and the Village Scribes. Galilean Conflicts and the Setting of Q, Minneapolis, Fortress Press.
- De Vries, R. (2012), « With Luce Irigaray. Toward a Theology of Hospitality », L’Esprit Créateur, 53/3, p. 52-75.
- Koenig, J. (1985), New Testament Hospitality. Partnership with Strangers as Promise and Mission, Philadelphia, Fortress Press.
- Stinton, D. (2004), Jesus of Africa. Voices of Contemporary African Christology, Maryknoll, Orbis Books.
- Theissen, G. (1978), Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity / trans. by J. Bowden, Philadelphia, Fortress Press.
- Udoh, E. B. (1988), Guest Christology. An Intepretative View of the Christological Problem in Africa, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang.
- Yong, A. (2008), Hospitality and the Other. Pentecost, Christian Practices, and the Neighbour, Maryknoll, Orbis Books.