Surveillance & Society

Volume 22, numéro 4, 2024 Open Issue

This open issue offers six original articles and a special Dialogue section on the surveillance dimensions of “Synthetic Data.” The issue also includes two book reviews.

Cover image: Background face made of particles. (Credit: Designed by Freepik.)

Sommaire (14 articles)


  1. Squeeveillance: Performing Cuteness to Normalise Surveillance Power
  2. Abstracting Injustice
  3. Data-driven Management and Taylorist Fantasies: A Case Study of Performance Quantification in the Indian IT Services Industry
  4. Towards a Macro-Level Theoretical Understanding of Police Services’ Acquisition of Risk Technologies
  5. “Privacy Is Overrated”: Situating the Privacy-related Beliefs and Practices of Italian Parents with Young Children
  6. Understanding Attitudes Toward Police Surveillance: The Role of Authoritarianism, Fear of Crime, and Private-Sector Surveillance Attitudes


  1. Synthetic Data, Synthetic Media, and Surveillance
  2. Critical Provocations for Synthetic Data
  3. Synthetic Training Data and the Reconfiguration of Surveillant Assemblages
  4. Synthetic Data and Reverse Image Search: Constructing New Surveillant Indexicalities
  5. Synthetic Data: From Data Scarcity to Data Pollution
  6. Why Synthetic Data Can Never Be Ethical: A Lesson from Media Ethics

Book Reviews


Anciens numéros de Surveillance & Society