In this article, I sketch a theory of social sensibility building on Simmel’s Sociology. I focus on the sense of smell and its “distancing” function, and I develop Simmel’s insights in line with the phenomenological theory of the “oral sense” (Oralsinn). Notions like atmosphere and Stimmung allow me to shed light on the almost subliminal functioning of social evaluation: sensible inclinations pre-condition deeply social relations. In addition, I focus on the link between recognition and esteem (Anerkennung and Schätzung) in its active meaning (how we value others through our feelings) as well as in its passive meaning (how we strive to please and how the quest for recognition is part of the search for distinction). I conclude by suggesting the need for a reciprocal integration between Simmel’s and Bourdieu’s reflections.
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Biographical note
Barbara Carnevali is Associate professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, where she holds a chair in “social aesthetics”. She works in the field of aesthetics with particular attention to practical philosophy and to social sciences. Her recent publications include Romantisme et reconnaissance. Figures de la conscience chez Rousseau (2012) and Le apparenze sociali (Social Appearances, 2012, English version forthcoming by Columbia University Press). She has contributed to various international journals such as Annales, Critique, Diogenes, WestEnd.
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