Doit-on encore présenter celui qui, à partir de 1981, travailla au quotidien dans le bureau jouxtant celui du président François Mitterrand ? Conseiller du prince, économiste, intellectuel, engagé depuis 1998 dans le combat pour la microfinance au travers de l’ONG PlaNet Finance, Jacques Attali s’est également illustré par la publication d’une volumineuse littérature sur une variété de sujets et dans une grande diversité de genres, de la biographie au roman en passant par l’essai ou le témoignage historique.
Is there still a need to introduce the man who worked daily in the office next to President François Mitterrand’s one, starting in 1981? An adviser to the president, an economist and an intellectual known for supporting microfinance since 1998 through his NGO, PlaNet Finance, Jacques Attali is also famous for his long and diverse list of publications, from biographies to novels, from essays to his historic accounts on French politics. At the request of President Sarkozy in 2007, Jacques Attali also headed a “commission for the liberation of French growth”; in January of 2008, the panel of experts he was leading released a set of 316 proposals which were used by the French government to advance its program of reforms. In the wake of the financial crisis and as the baby boomers are starting to retire en masse, the “Attali commission” was summoned again and suggested a set of austerity measures to deal with deficit and debt issues in its report given to the French president on October 15th, 2010. In an interview with Sens Public, the author of “All Bankrupted in 10 years?” (Fayard publishing, 2010) offers his views on public debt and the future of developed countries.