Corps de l’article
This issue of Mosaïque opens with two articles highlighting some of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, Anaïs Lépine Lopez and colleagues take a look at Télétravail en contexte de pandémie: stratégies mises en place par les télétravailleurs (Teleworking in the context of a pandemic: Strategies implemented by teleworkers). Through a survey, more than 700 teleworkers shared useful teleworking strategies to improve their work-life balance (and vice versa) and productivity in teleworking mode, as well as their relationships with their immediate supervisors and colleagues.
Second, Saïd Bergheul and colleagues examine anxiety in the university context through their Étude comparative sur les facteurs prédictifs de l’anxiété d’étudiant(es) québécois(es) universitaires durant la pandémie (COVID-19) (Comparative study on the predictive factors of anxiety in Quebec university students during the pandemic [COVID-19]). Their findings highlight factors to be taken into account, such as having a mental health related diagnosis, age and family income, in the development or adaptation of post-pandemic preventive programs.
Third, Gabriel Gingras-Lacroix and colleagues review the current state of knowledge about online psychosocial interventions, and more specifically the use of this format with men experiencing psychological difficulties. This type of practice, which has grown during the COVID-19 pandemic, continues to evolve in the provision of mental health services.
We then learn more about daytime sleepiness in adolescents, which has a negative impact on physical, cognitive and emotional health. In an article entitled Évaluer la somnolence diurne auprès des adolescents: un incontournable pour mieux intervenir en santé mentale (Assessing daytime sleepiness in adolescents: an essential aspect for better mental health intervention), Evelyne Touchette and colleagues analyze specialized measurement tools for assessing daytime sleepiness in adolescents, in order to screen for a variety of sleep disorders, from the rarest, such as narcolepsy, to the most frequent, such as sleep-wake delay.
The following article addresses an increasingly documented mental health intervention: the use of physical activity. In L’activité physique: quelle est sa place dans la formation et la pratique des psychoéducateurs au Québec (Physical activity: its place in the training and practice of psychoeducators in Quebec), Stéphanie Turgeon and colleagues explore this topic through a survey of 150 Quebec psychoeducators. The results paint a picture of the use of physical activity by these professionals and the factors that hinder its use.
Finally, this issue concludes with two articles dealing with the notion of social support. The first examines directly this important aspect of workers’ lives. Indeed, Jessika Cleary and colleagues shed light on Les pratiques de soutien social des collègues et des proches qui favorisent le fonctionnement des travailleurs vivant avec des symptômes anxieux ou dépressifs (Social support practices of colleagues and family members that promote the functioning of workers living with anxiety or depressive symptoms). Their qualitative study identified 30 social support practices grouped into five major functions, including companionship, emotional support and validation.
The second puts into dialogue a review of the literature with a description and discussion of the experience of implementing peer support and family peer support in mental health within early intervention programs for psychosis. A team of authors, peer support workers and a psychiatrist, with Paula Pires de Oliveira Padilha as first author, describes this comprehensively in their article La pair-aidance pour soutenir le rétablissement en intervention précoce pour la psychose: enjeux autour de son implantation au Québec et dans la francophonie (Peer support to enable recovery in early intervention for psychosis: Issues in its implementation in Quebec and French-speaking countries).
We hope you enjoy your reading of this mosaic of inspiring papers.