La dépression est un problème répandu, sérieux, et souvent chronique chez les aînés, qui sont souvent atteints de maladies physiques chroniques, et affecte de façon négative leurs traitements et leurs soins. Malheureusement, le taux de détection et de suivi adéquat de la dépression est faible dans cette population. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, notre équipe a mené une série d’études pour mieux comprendre et améliorer la gestion de la dépression chez les aînés. Nous présentons une revue narrative et synthèse de 25 articles qui incluent : 4 revues systématiques, 10 études observationnelles, 9 essais d’interventions, et 2 conférences de consensus. Nous proposons en conclusion nos recommandations pour 1) la détection de la dépression dans les soins de santé primaires ; 2) les soins collaboratifs de la dépression ; 3) des interventions d’autogestion de la dépression ; 4) le rôle des aidants naturels dans les interventions d’autogestion de la dépression.
Mots-clés :
- dépression,
- soins primaires,
- soins collaboratifs,
- interventions d’autogestion de soins,
- rôle aidants naturels
Objectives A research group based at St. Mary’s Research Centre, St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, has conducted a research program over the past two decades that aims to inform improvements in the management of depression in primary care and general medical settings, among older adults. This paper reviews the findings from this research program, discusses the findings in the context of other research, and highlights the implications for practice and health policy.
Methods Narrative review and synthesis of 25 published articles, that included: 4 systematic reviews, 10 observational studies, 9 intervention trials, and 2 consensus conference reports.
Results The results pertain to 4 research areas: detection of depression in primary care and general medical settings; collaborative care of depression; depression self-care interventions; and the role of family and friends in supporting depression self-care interventions.
Conclusions We propose six recommendations for improving the management of depression in the target population. 1) Depression detection and treatment can be improved through collaborative care models that involve primary care physicians, mental health specialists and non-physician mental health workers who are trained to assist with the detection of depression, with the delivery of brief, low-intensity psychological interventions and with self-care support. More research and evaluation are necessary to determine the factors that enhance the effectiveness, cost-efficiency, and consumer-centeredness of these interventions. 2) Supported depression self-care (and other low-intensity interventions such as short problem-solving therapy) offered by telephone or via internet, either as part of collaborative or usual care are feasible treatment options but more research is necessary to determine their effectiveness in different clinical populations. Some populations (e.g., those aged 75 and over, with visual and/or mild cognitive impairment) are likely to need greater or face-to-face support. 3) As most family physicians are unlikely to have the necessary time or interest to support depression self-care interventions, other sustainable programmatic contexts are needed for delivery of these interventions. Options include: nurses or other mental health workers in multidisciplinary family medicine groups; regional mental health programs; and voluntary organizations dedicated to assisting in the management of chronic illnesses. Research is needed on the feasibility and effectiveness of using peer support workers or volunteers to provide coaching of depression self-care interventions. 4) Involvement of family or friends in depression self-care may improve outcomes (e.g., dyadic interventions) but further research is necessary. 5) Further research should explore the potential of depression self-care interventions to prevent major depression and in depression relapse prevention in this population.
- depression,
- primary care,
- collaborative care,
- self-care interventions,
- role of caregivers
Parties annexes
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