Cet article explore les connaissances les plus récentes sur l’expérience des jeunes trans et de leur famille, et propose des pistes d’intervention pour les professionnels travaillant directement ou indirectement avec ces populations. La première partie de l’article étaye le contexte sociopolitique dans lequel grandissent les jeunes trans. Cette discussion est suivie d’une recension des écrits sur les connaissances relatives à l’expérience des jeunes trans et de leur famille. Finalement, l’article propose deux pistes d’intervention à privilégier pour travailler avec ces populations, et ce, dans une perspective de travail transaffirmative. Notamment, on y propose de réapprendre le genre et de comprendre la complexité des parcours et expériences des personnes transgenres, ainsi que de promouvoir l’autodétermination et le soutien des familles vers l’atteinte de leurs besoins.
Mots-clés :
- parentalité,
- enfants et jeunes transgenres,
- intervention auprès des parents,
- personne-environnement,
- oppression
This article explores the most recent knowledge on the experiences of trans youth and their parents. The article also explores best practices for professional who work with those families. Finally the article proposes two main principles of intervention to work with those populations, highlighting the importance of a transaffirmative perspective. In particular, it is proposed to challenge the current way of understanding gender and to appreciate the complexity of the various trajectories young people may take. Furthermore, we suggest focusing the intervention on promoting self-determination of the young person as well as to support families so they can better meet their child’s needs.
Objectives To provide comprehensive review of current knowledge on the experience of parenting a transgender youth, and to propose some reflections on directions for working with those families.
Method Written as a theoretical paper, this article employs a systematic literature review to identify promising interventions with families who support a transgender youth.
Results Because families of transgender children and youth experience difficulties both on personal and social levels, many of which are coming from social stigmatization and lack of knowledge about their experience, it is proposed that practitioners work toward interventions that not only facilitate families support, but also works toward a more just and inclusive society by broadening access to services and by challenging oppressive structures that contribute to the difficulties experiences by children, youth and their families.
Conclusion The paper proposes that practitioners working with families of transgender children must be guided by an reviewed conception of gender and an understanding of the multiplicity of contexts that may affect the person’s trajectory, as well as promoting self-determination and supporting families in meeting their needs.
- parenting,
- transgender youth,
- oppression,
- interventions,
- trans affirmative intervention
Parties annexes
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