La présente étude est une revue critique de la documentation scientifique sur les effets du bruit sur la santé mentale. Cette étude a été réalisée sur la base de la recherche de mots-clés, de l’impact factor des revues, du nombre de fois que l’article a été cité. Hinari a servi de base des données. L’analyse et la sélection des articles scientifiques nous ont permis de les regrouper en trois catégories d’études. Les études fondamentales ont dosé les taux des hormones de stress dans le plasma, les urines et la salive. Les études expérimentales ont exposé les sujets humains à la pollution sonore pour évaluer les déficits de leurs mémoire, attention et performance. Les études épidémiologiques ont évalué les déficits cognitifs chez les élèves étudiant dans des milieux bruyants et l’état de santé mentale des individus habitant aux alentours des aéroports, voies ferrées et des autoroutes. Les études fondamentales et expérimentales ont abouti à un consensus scientifique sur les effets négatifs du bruit tandis que les résultats des études épidémiologiques ne permettent pas de tirer des conclusions solides, des études ultérieures s’avèrent donc nécessaires.
Mots-clés :
- stress,
- bruit,
- mémoire,
- attention,
- performance,
- déficits cognitifs
Any human activity generates noise. It is considered as a risk factor for people’s health. The present review of literature has assessed the impact of noise on mental health; it is summarized into four points: objective, methods, results and conclusion. Objective: The main objective of this study is to expose the actual knowledge state of noise effects on mental health after overview and critical analysis of literature to identify the acquired and shortcomings, to reflect on research direction in terms of noise pollution in the future. Methods: The literature review was conducted based on: research of keys words in articles published, research of the number of quotations of articles in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published in web of science, research of impact factor of journals. One hundred articles were selected, after analyzing contents, items were classified into: fundamental studies (25%), experimental studies (50%), and epidemiological studies (25%). Results: The fundamental studies have verified the hypothesis according to which noise generates stress. Researchers have dosed hormones of stress in plasma, urine and saliva in individuals exposed to noise of different decibels. The results found were unanimous: The rates of stress hormones found, were significantly high in three liquids. This means that noise causes stress. For experimental studies, researchers have experienced the role of noise on memory, attention and performance. Human subjects were exposed to different decibels to assess level of disruption to their memory, attention, and performance. The results revealed that noise disturbs memory, distracts attention and decreases performance. Experimental studies are the most abundant and constitute 50% of the current literature review.
The epidemiological studies have evaluated the intellectual performance of students in schools located in noisy environments and residents in areas surrounding airports, railways and highways. Results have revealed that students in schools located in noisy environments have presented cognitive impairment. Conclusion: This review of literature on noise effects on mental health lead to the following conclusion. It seems to exist a consensus in fundamental and experimental studies on the detrimental effect of noise but results from epidemiological are not convincing and require further studies.
- memory,
- attention,
- performance,
- cognition impairment,
- stress and noise
Parties annexes
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