Volume 47, numéro 2, 2022 Special Section: Black Lives Matter Dossier spécial : Black Lives Matter Sous la direction de Isaacs Camille et Vernon Karina
Sommaire (19 articles)
Special Section: Black Lives Matter / Dossier spécial : Black Lives Matter
Duppy Kno Who Fi Frighten
Putting Black Lives Matter into Canadian Literary Studies: Introduction
A.B. Walker’s Neith (1903-04) and the Aesthetic Grammars of Black Modernism in Canada
Not Who to Blame but in Whose Name
Written on the Body: Personal Monumentalization in the Work of David Chariandy and Tessa McWatt
Three Riots: A Biotext for Watts, Rodney King, and George Floyd
Silenced Resilience: Models of Survival in David Chariandy’s Brother
“We are the living archive”: An Interview with El Jones on Abolition and Writing
Struggling toward Identity in George Elliott Clarke’s The Motorcyclist
Pathogen Textures
Trinidadian/Canadian Food and the Fiction of Belonging in David Chariandy’s Brother
A Word with an Edge
Ice Cod Bell or Stone: Poetry, Canon, Memory
Negotiating Chinese Canadian Masculinity: Fred Wah’s Diamond Grill
Decolonial Poetics and Trans-Subjective Lyric: Jordan Abel’s Un/Inhabited and Injun
Reimagining the American Road Trip in Nicole Brossard’s Le désert mauve
Documentary Ethics, Para-Judicial Fantasies, and the Transgressive Desires of Lynn Crosbie’s Paul’s Case