Volume 44, numéro 2, 2019 Resurfacing: Women Writing in 1970s Canada Refaire surface : écrivaines canadiennes des années 1970
Sommaire (19 articles)
Articles / Articles
Recognition, or the Depressive Pleasure of Reading Surfacing
The “Great Game”; Archives and Canadian Literature in the 1960s and 1970s: Margaret Laurence and McMaster University’s William Ready
Des « déchets humains » : esthétique trash et partage du sensible chez Margaret Laurence
Scratching the Surface: Marian Engel’s 1970s Writing
Exposing the Eugenic Reader: Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed and Settler Self-Education
A Documentary Film on Fire: Les terribles vivantes/Firewords
L’Acayenne des années 1970 : quand les femmes (s’)écrivent
La réécriture, ou renverser la perspective : évangéline Deusse d’Antonine Maillet
“But the Good Feelings Were There Too”: Care and Hospitality in Adele Wiseman’s Crackpot
Lola Montez, c’est moi; or, Francesca Replayed
Perfect Mismatch: Gwendolyn MacEwen and the Flat Earth Society
Revisiting Sylvia Fraser’s Pandora: Girlhood, Body, and Language
The Intertextual Condition: Vancouver Poems and the Development of Daphne Marlatt’s Archival Poetics
The Progress of Writing in Alice Munro’s “The Office”
“A Troublesome Weed Which Spreads Like Wildfire”: Fireweed: a feminist quarterly and the Politics of Diversity
Feminist Anthologizing: Women and Words: The Anthology/Les femmes et les mots: Une anthologie
Toward a Feminist Archival Ethics of Accountability: Researching with the Aritha van Herk Fonds