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Campbell, D. S. « Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and Beyond. By Andrew Biro. (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2005. xiii + 250 p., ill, notes, index. isbn 0-8020-8022-7 hc. $50 0-8020-3794-1 pb. $24.95). » Scientia Canadensis, volume 31, numéro 1-2, 2008, p. 167–169.
Campbell, D. S. (2008). Compte rendu de [Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and Beyond. By Andrew Biro. (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2005. xiii + 250 p., ill, notes, index. isbn 0-8020-8022-7 hc. $50 0-8020-3794-1 pb. $24.95)]. Scientia Canadensis, 31(1-2), 167–169.
- Chicago
Campbell, D. S. « Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and Beyond. By Andrew Biro. (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2005. xiii + 250 p., ill, notes, index. isbn 0-8020-8022-7 hc. $50 0-8020-3794-1 pb. $24.95) ». Scientia Canadensis 31, no 1-2 (2008) : 167–169.
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