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Forkey, Neil S. « Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in Georgian Bay. By Claire Elizabeth Campbell. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2005. xvii + 282 p., ill., notes, bibl., index. ISBN 0-7748-1098-X hc. $85; 0-7748-1099-8 pb. $29.95). » Scientia Canadensis, volume 30, numéro 1, 2007, p. 91–93.
Forkey, N. S. (2007). Compte rendu de [Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in Georgian Bay. By Claire Elizabeth Campbell. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2005. xvii + 282 p., ill., notes, bibl., index. ISBN 0-7748-1098-X hc. $85; 0-7748-1099-8 pb. $29.95)]. Scientia Canadensis, 30(1), 91–93.
- Chicago
Forkey, Neil S. « Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in Georgian Bay. By Claire Elizabeth Campbell. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2005. xvii + 282 p., ill., notes, bibl., index. ISBN 0-7748-1098-X hc. $85; 0-7748-1099-8 pb. $29.95) ». Scientia Canadensis 30, no 1 (2007) : 91–93.
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