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Jarrell, Richard A. « The Canadian Encyclopedia. James Marsh, editor, Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers, 1985. 3 vols, Pp 2089, illus., index, ISBN 0-88830-269X, $125 / The Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. Toronto and Québec, University of Toronto Press and Presses du l’Université Laval, 1985. Vol. VIII (1851-60), Pp xxxvii + 1129, indexes, ISBN 0-8020-3422-5 / The Papers of Joseph Henry. Nathan Reingold, editor, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 1985. Vol. 5 (Jan. 1841-Dec. 1843), Pp xxxviii + 506, illus., index, ISBN 0-87474-123-8, $US 45.00. » Scientia Canadensis, volume 9, numéro 2 (29), décembre–december 1985, p. 175–176.
Jarrell, R. A. (1985). Compte rendu de [The Canadian Encyclopedia. James Marsh, editor, Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers, 1985. 3 vols, Pp 2089, illus., index, ISBN 0-88830-269X, $125 / The Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. Toronto and Québec, University of Toronto Press and Presses du l’Université Laval, 1985. Vol. VIII (1851-60), Pp xxxvii + 1129, indexes, ISBN 0-8020-3422-5 / The Papers of Joseph Henry. Nathan Reingold, editor, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 1985. Vol. 5 (Jan. 1841-Dec. 1843), Pp xxxviii + 506, illus., index, ISBN 0-87474-123-8, $US 45.00]. Scientia Canadensis, 9(2), 175–176.
- Chicago
Jarrell, Richard A. « The Canadian Encyclopedia. James Marsh, editor, Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers, 1985. 3 vols, Pp 2089, illus., index, ISBN 0-88830-269X, $125 / The Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. Toronto and Québec, University of Toronto Press and Presses du l’Université Laval, 1985. Vol. VIII (1851-60), Pp xxxvii + 1129, indexes, ISBN 0-8020-3422-5 / The Papers of Joseph Henry. Nathan Reingold, editor, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 1985. Vol. 5 (Jan. 1841-Dec. 1843), Pp xxxviii + 506, illus., index, ISBN 0-87474-123-8, $US 45.00 ». Scientia Canadensis 9, no 2 (1985) : 175–176.
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