Although sound design is a well-established part of the toolkit for creating theatre, its function in creating meaning for performance texts is often overlooked in discussions of the relative semiotic importance of various scenic arts. Many of the most cogent observations and theories concerning the use of sound as a parallel to spoken language in performed narrative come from scholars and practitioners whose specialty is not theatre, but radio drama. Using these theories, and the deeper analyses of linguistic structure proposed by Roman Jakobson as benchmarks, this is a preliminary survey of the resemblances between sound design and conventional forms of linguistic communication. The territory mapped is the world of small-venue touring fringe theatre, with a special focus on the roles that time and timing play in determining the semiotic content of designed sound in a performative setting.
- Linguistics,
- Sound,
- Theatre
Composante clé de la boîte à outil de la création théâtrale depuis fort longtemps, le design sonore est souvent ignoré des études sémiotiques des arts de la scène qui, dès lors, négligent son rôle dans la formation du sens au théâtre. En fait, c’est plutôt du côté des études radiophoniques que l’on trouve les théories et les observations les plus pertinentes à l’examen du son et de son usage dans les récits performés. Faisant appel à ces théories et à l’analyse structurale du langage et de la communication verbale par Roman Jakobson, cet article examine certaines ressemblances qui unissent le design sonore au théâtre et les formes conventionnelles de la communication verbale. Le corpus étudié est celui du théâtre itinérant fringe, et une attention particulière est portée à la question du réglage temporel (timing) des effets sonores dans la création d’effets de sens.
Mots-clés :
- Linguistique,
- son,
- théâtre
Parties annexes
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- JAKOBSON, R. (1980) The Framework of Language. Ann Arbor : Michigan Slavic Publications.
- JAKOBSON, R., FANT, G.C.M, & HALLE, M. (1969) Preliminaries to Speech Analysis : The Distinctive Features and Their Correlates. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press.
- JAKOBSON, R., & HALLE, M. (1971) Fundamentals of Language. (2nd ed.) The Hague : Mouton.
- JAKOBSON, R., & WAUGH, L.R. (2002) The Sound Shape of Language. (3rd ed.) Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter.
- PEIRCE, C. S. (1992) “On the Algebra of Logic : A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation.” In The Essential Peirce : Selected Philosophical Writings Vol. 1. N. Houser & C. Kloesel (Eds.) Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press : 225-228.
- ROZIK, E. (2014) Theatre Sciences : A Plea for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Theatre Studies. Brighton : Sussex Academic Press.
- WAUGH, L.R. (2002) “On the Sound Shape of Language : Mediacy and Immediacy.” In Jakobson, R., & Waugh, L.R. The Sound Shape of Language. (3rd ed.) Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter.
- WAUGH, L.R. (1976) Roman Jakobson’s Science of Language. Lisse : Peter de Ridder Press.