The focus of this article is Western theatre voice practice and discourse. With the voice conceived as the trace of language, the main intention is to reveal interstices for creative vocal or sonorous play by unsettling the relationship between voice and language.The project references the shift to the ‘natural voice’ in Western theatre voice practice and how, in spite of this shift to sound that is strongly located in the person of the performer, voice does not exploit the riches of either its originating practice in orality or its own essential nature as sonorous vocality. This article proposes that Western theatre voice’s strong link to a devocalized logos as argued by Cavarero, and logos as text informed by Habermas’s concept of communicative rationality, do not allow the voice to transcend a single representation rooted in language.
- Theatre Voice,
- Pure Vocal,
- Devocalization,
- Communicative Rationality
Cet article a pour objet la pratique de la voix et le discours qu’on tient sur elle dans le contexte du théâtre occidental. À partir d’une conception de la voix comme trace du langage, notre intention est de mettre au jour des espaces de création vocale et de jeux sonores qui troublent la relation entre voix et langage. Notre argumentaire examine brièvement le passage de la voix déclamatoire à la “voix naturelle” dans la pratique du théâtre occidental pour illustrer comment, malgré ce déplacement vers une voix bien ancrée dans la spécificité du corps de l’acteur, on a négligé d’exploiter les richesses de la voix dans son rapport à l’oralité ou encore dans sa nature profonde comme sonorité vocale libérée de sa fonction communicationnelle. Ce qui nous intéresse est alors de montrer comment le lien qui a unit la voix théâtrale à titre de logos “dévocalisé” – au sens de Cavarero (2010) – à une conception textuelle du logos, telle qu’analysée par Habermas dans sa Théorie de l’agir communicationnel (1981), ne permet pas à la voix de transcender l’idée d’une représentation singulière fondée dans le langage.
Mots-clés :
- Voix au théâtre,
- vocalisation pure,
- dévocalisation,
- raison communicationnelle
Parties annexes
- CAVARERO, A. (2005) For More than One Voice. Towards a Philosophy of Vocal Expression. P. A. Kottman (trans.). Stanford : Stanford University Press.
- DARNLEY, L. (1995) Beginnings. The British Council/RSC Theatre Voice Seminar, Stratford-upon-Avon (Unpublished conference paper).
- HABERMAS, J. (1984) Reason and the Rationalization of Society, Volume 1 of The Theory of Communicative Action. T. McCarthy (trans.). Boston : Beacon Press. (Originally published in German in 1981).
- HONNETH, A., & H. JOAS (Eds.). (1991) Communicative Action. Essays on Jürgen Habermas’s The Theory of Communicative Action. J. Gaines & D. L. Jones (trans.). UK : Polity Press.
- KRISTEVA, J. (1994) “Freudian Models of Language. A Conversation”. http://www.psychomedia.it/jep/number3-4/kristeng.htm (accessed August, 24th 2015).
- LEADER, D. (2008) The New Black. Mourning, Melancholia and Depression. United States of America : Graywolf Press.
- LINKLATER, K. (1976) Freeing the Natural Voice. New York : Drama Book Publishers.
- MILLS, L. (1999) Theatre Voice as Metaphor : The Advocacy of a Praxis Based on the Centrality of Voice to Performance. MA Thesis, Rhodes University.
- MILLS, L. (2005) “Vocal Mise-en-Scène”. In Shakespeare Around the Globe and Other Contemporary Issues in Professional Voice and Speech Training Presented by the Voice and Speech Review. Cincinnati : Voice and Speech Trainers Association : 268-272.
- MILLS, L. (2008) “Sonic Materials, Acoustic Spaces, Actor Agency”. International Conference “Material Theatre / Theatre Materials”, Central School of Speech and Drama – University of London – London (Unpublished conference paper).
- SCHAFER, R. M. (1994) The Soundscape : Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World. Rochester : Destiny Books.
- STANISLAVSKY, C. (1980) An Actor Prepares. E. Hapgood (trans.). London : Methuen.
- STANISLAVSKY, C. (1968) Building a Character. E. Hapgood (trans.). London : University Paperbacks.