
Access to Justice for Gig Workers: Contrasting Answers from Canadian and American CourtsAccès à la justice des travailleurs de plateformes numériques: Réponses contrastées des tribunaux canadiens et américains[Notice]

  • Urwana Coiquaud et
  • Isabelle Martin

…plus d’informations

  • Urwana Coiquaud
    Professor of Employment and Labour Law, Department of Human Resource Management, HEC Montreal and member of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT)

  • Isabelle Martin
    Professor of Employment and Labour Law, School of Industrial Relations, University of Montreal, Quebec and also member of CRIMT

Note de l’édition à nos lecteurs francophones : Ce texte est déjà paru en français dans un numéro antérieur de RI/IR, soit le 74-3, aux pages 577-588.

Note to all readers: This text is a translation of a French text published before the Supreme Court rendered its decision (2020 SCC 16). The majority of the Court held that the arbitration clause in the agreement between Uber and Mr. Heller was so unfair it was unenforceable. This will now allow this class-action against Uber in Ontario to proceed.

Parties annexes

Parties annexes