Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Why is Organizational Change Related to Workplace Bullying? Role Conflict and Job Insecurity as Mediators, Elfi Baillien and Hans De Witte, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (3), 2009, 348–371.
The Effects of Different Types of Works Councils on Bargaining Outcomes: Results of an Empirical Study, Werner Nienhueser, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (3), 2009, 372–400.
The Year-Long Miners’ Strike, March 1984– March 1985: A Memoir, V. L. Allen, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (4), 278–291.
Old-time Militancy and the Economic Realities: Towards a Reassessment of the Dockers’ Experience, Dan Coffey, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (4), 292–308.
Voluntary Arbitration: The Unsung Hero, John Gennard, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (4), 309–323.
The Representation Gap and the Future of Worker Representation, Edmund Heery, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (4), 324–336.
New Labour and the Common Sense of Neoliberalism: Trade Unionism, Collective Bargaining and Workers’ Rights, Paul Smith, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (4), 337–355.
Special Issue: Australian Industrial Relations in Transition, Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (5), September 2009, 358–466. Editors’ Introduction: Australian Industrial Relations in Transition, Adrian Wilkinson, Janis Bailey and Mark Mourell; Industry Differences in the Neoliberal Transformation of Australian Industrial Relations, Mark Bray and Elsa Underhill; Low-Paid Women: The Impact of Regulatory Change in Australia, Marian Baird, Rae Cooper and Bradon Ellem; Employer Preferences, Collective Agreements and the Australian Resources Sector: A Paradox of Limited Commodification? Michael Barry and Marco Michelotti; The Implications of De-Collectivist Industrial Relations Laws and Associated Developments for Worker Health and Safety in Australia, 1996–2007, Mickael Quinlan and Richard Johnstone; Individual Contracting, Collective Bargaining and Wages in Australia, David Peetz and Alison Preston.
Can Voluntary Workplace Partnership Deliver Sustainable Mutual Gains? Anthony Dobbins and Patrick Gunnigle, BJIR, 47 (3), 2009, 546–570.
Anti-Unionism, Employer Strategy, and the Australian State, 1996–2005, Rae Cooper, Bradon Ellem, Chris Briggs, and Diane van den Broek, Labor Studies Journal, 34 (3), 2009, 339–362.
Self-interest, Legal Commitment and Benevolence: The Emergence and Enforcement of a Swiss Labour Market Institution, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (3), 2009, 277–296.
Public Sector Trade Unionism in the UK: Strategic Challenges in the Face of Colonization, Gemma Edwards, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (3), 2009, 442–459.
Joint Responsibility Unionism: A Multi-Plant Model of Collective Bargaining under Employment Security, Richard Block and Peter Berg, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (1), 2009, 60–81.
Unions and the Adoption of High Performance Works Systems: Does Employment Security Play a Role? Wenchuan Liu, James P. Guthrie, Patrick C. Flood and Sarah MacCurtain, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (1), 2009, 109–127.
Faculty Salaries in Ontario: Compression, Inversion, and the Effects of Alternative Forms of Representation, Felice Martinello, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (1), 2009, 128–145.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
The Diversity and Politics of Trade Unions’ Responses to Minority Ethnic and Migrant Workers: The Context of the UK, Miguel Martinez Lucio and Robert Perrett, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30 (3), 2009, 324–347.
Making Networks and (Re)Making Trade Union Bureaucracy: A European-Wide Case Study of Trade Union Engagement with the Internet and Networking, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Steve Walker and Pip Trevorrow, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (2), 115–130.
Worker Pay Protection: Implications for Labor’s Political Spending and Voice, Marick F. Masters, Raymond Gibney, and Thomas J. Zagenczyk, Industrial Relations, 48 (4), 2009, 557–577.
Challenges and Possibilities for Democratic Grassroots Union Elections in China: A Case Study of Two Factory-Level Elections and their Aftermath, Anita Chan, Labor Studies Journal, 34 (3), 2009, 293–317.
Setting the Stage for Cross-Border Solidarity: Movement Spillover and Early Mobilization in the Nicaragua Labor Rights Campaign, Dale W. Wimberley, Labor Studies Journal, 34 (3), 2009, 318–338.
La fusion comme processus et moyen de réforme syndicale : l’exemple de Ver.di, Marcus Kahmann, La Revue de l’IRES, 61 (2), 2009, 39–74.
The Exceptional Decline of the American Labor Movement, John Godard, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (1), 2009, 82–108.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
The B.C. Health Services and Support Decision – The Constitutionalization of a Right to Bargain Collectively in Canada: Where Did It Come From and Where Will It Lead? Brian Etherington, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 30 (4), 2009, 715–750.
Trade Unions’ Law Evolution in Post-Soviet Countries: The Experiences of Lithuania and Russia, Nikita Lyutov and Daiva Petrylaite, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 30 (4), 2009, 779–800.
Status and Potential of the Regulation of Labor and Employment Law at the European Level, Sebastien Krebber, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 30 (4), 2009, 875–904.Numéro spécial : La négociation collective d’entreprise : questions d’actualité, Droit social, 9/10, Septembre–Octobre 2009, 883–929. Propos sur la promotion de l’accord d’entreprise, Paul-Henri Antonmattei; Démocratie sociale : vers une société de dialogue, Franck Morel; L’accord d’entreprise majoritaire, Jean-Emmanuel Ray; L’articulation accord d’entreprise, accord de branche : concurrence, complémentarité, ou primauté? Gérard Vachet; Rapports entre accords collectifs et relations individuelles de travail, Michel Morand; Vers de nouvelles évolutions du droit de la négociation collective? En guise de synthèse, Jacques Barthélémy; Perte de représentativité et sort de l’accord collectif d’entreprise, Christine Neau-Leduc; La négociation d’entreprise sur les seniors, Pierre-Yves Verkindt; Négociation collective d’entreprise et suppression des écarts de rémunération entre les femmes et les hommes, Alain Chevillard.
Third Party Intervention Reconsidered: Promoting Cooperative Workplace Relations in the New « Fair Work » System, Anthony Forsyth and Holly Smart, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 22 (2), 2009, 117–146.
The Impact of Federal Legislation upon the Scope of State Jurisdictions to Regulate Outwork, Mickael Rawling, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 22 (2), 2009, 147–160.Dossier spécial : Droit du travail et protection sociale : croisement et redistribution. Droit Social, 11, Novembre 2009, 1015–1080. Droit du travail et protection sociale – Brèves observations sur un couple, Antoine Lyon-Caen ; Le travailleur et l’actif, Pascal Lokiec ; La composition et la charge de la rémunération, Anissa Allouache et Isabelle Vacarie ; La négociation collective au-delà du travail, Philippe Langlois ; L’activation de la solidarité : d’hier à aujourd’hui, Michel Borgetto ; Les nouvelles formes de mutualisation – Réflexions à partir de l’accord national interprofessionnel du 11 janvier 2008, Anne-Sophie Ginon et Frédéric Guiomard ; Les avatars du travail indépendant, Jean-Pierre Chauchard ; Droit du travail et Sécurité sociale : la revanche de la protection sociale ? Robert Lafore.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
“I could be dead for two weeks and my boss would never know”: Telework and the Politics of Representation, Andrea Whittle and Frank Mueller, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (2), 131–143.
Predicting Teleworker Success: An Exploration of Personality, Motivational, Situational, and Job Characteristics, Thomas A. O’Neill, Laura A. Hambley, Nathan S. Greidanus, Rhiannon MacDonnell and Theresa J. B. Kline, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (2), 144–162.
Workforce Drug Testing: A Critique and Reframing, Samantha Warren and Edward Wray-Bliss, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (2), 163–176.
Skill Development and the Distribution of Skill at an Iron and Steel Production Line, Masaki Tanaka, Japan Labor Review, 6 (3), 2009, 7–24.
Early or Late Promotion/Screening? Empirical Analysis of Career Ladders for Japanese White-Collar Workers Using Employees’ List, Katsuhito Uehara, Japan Labor Review, 6 (3), 2009, 25–58.
Knowledge Combination and Value-Creation Mechanism under the Japanese-Style Career System, Mitsutoshi Hirano, Yasuhiko Uchida, Ryuta Suzuki, Japan Labor Review, 6 (3), 2009, 95–114.
Dossier spécial : Les défis de la diversité au travail. Gestion, 34 (3), 2009, 23–135. Introduction, Tania Saba ; Les différences intergénérationnelles au travail : faire la part des choses, Tania Saba ; Comment gérer une main-d’oeuvre âgée ? Regard sur la France, Julie Christin et Marie-Laure Buisson; Comment se doter d’une main-d’oeuvre culturellement diversifiée ? Marie-Pier Petit ; Les politiques de diversité ethnoculturelle dans l’entreprise : avantages, limites et conditions de succès, Philippe Robert-Demontrond et Anne Joyeau ; Accès à l’égalité et gestion de la diversité : une jonction indispensable, Marie-Thérèse Chicha et Éric Charest ; De quelles compétences multiculturelles les gestionnaires ont-ils besoin ? Denise Fortier; Comment développer les compétences en matière de diversité culturelle ? Vincent Calvez et Yih-Teen Lee ; La dotation dans le contexte de la diversité culturelle : enjeux et recommandations, André Durivage, Philippe Longpré et Normand Pettersen ; L’intégration professionnelle des personnes handicapées : que font les organisations avant-gardistes ? Silvana Pozzebon et Manuel Champagne ; Les employés handicapés en France : leçons d’intégration, Philippe Jacquinot ; L’empiètement du travail des femmes et des hommes cadres sur leur vie personnelle, Émilie Genin.
The Consequences of Caring : Skills Regulation and Reward among Early Years Workers, Patricia Findlay, Jeanette Findlay and Robert Stewart, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (3), September 2009, 422–441.
Special Issue: Symposium: Corporate Ownership, Governance and Employment Relations, Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (4), 2009, 435–556. Corporate Ownership, Governance and Employment Relations: Introduction, Andrew Pendleton and Mark Westcott; Are Superannuation Funds and Other Institutional Investors in Australia Acting Like “Universal Investors”?, Shelley Marshall, Kirsten Anderson and Ian Ramsay; Corporate Governance and Training, Marc Goergen, Chris Brewster and Geoffrey Wood; Private Equity in the UK: Job Regulation and Trade Unions, Ian Clark; The Impact of Private Equity and Buyouts on Employment, Remuneration and other HRM Practices, Mike Wright, Nicolas Bacon and Kevin Amess; Private Equity: Levered on Capital or Labour? Peter Folkman, Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal and Karel Williams; Private Equity in Australia, Mark Westcott; Private Equity and American Labor: Multiple, Pragmatic Responses Mirroring Labor’s Strenghts and Weaknesses, Larry W. Beeferman.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
The Introduction of Works Councils in German Establishments – Rent Seeking or Rent Protection? Uwe Jirjahn, BJIR, 47 (3), 2009, 521–545.
Numéro spécial : Le plafond de verre dans tous ses éclats, Sociologie du travail, 51 (2), 2009, 170–299. « Le plafond de verre dans tous ses éclats ». La féminisation des professions supérieures au XXe siècle, Marie Buscatto et Catherine Marry; Du vent dans le ciel de plomb? L’accès des femmes aux professions supérieures, XIXe–XXe siècles, Sylvie Schweitzer; From Glass Ceiling to Inequality Regimes, Joan Acker; La barrière et le plafond de vitrail : analyser les carrières féminines dans les organisations religieuses, Béatrice de Gasquet; Gender Inequality in Culture Industries : Women and Men Writers in Film and Television, Denise D. Bielby; Un plafond à caissons : les femmes à l’EHESS, Isabelle Backouche, Olivier Godechot et Delphine Naudier; Les carrières de cadres au coeur des restructurations : la recomposition des effets de genre ? L’internationalisation d’un groupe français en Angleterre et en Hongrie, Sophie Pochic et Cécile Guillaume.
Client, Employer and Employee: Mapping a Complex Triangulation, Christelle Havard, Brigitte Rorive and André Sobczack, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (3), 2009, 257–276.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Unpaid Work at Home, Younghwan Song, Industrial Relations, 48 (4), 2009, 578–588.
Search Costs and Re-Employment Wage Gains for Displaced Workers, Laura P. D’Arcy, Mark Stater, and Jeffrey B. Wenger, Industrial Relations, 48 (4), 2009, 589–609.
Labor Market Regulation and Productivity Growth: Evidence for Twenty OECD Countries (1984–2004), Servaas Storm and C. W. M. Naastepad, Industrial Relations, 48 (4), 2009, 629–654.
Atypical Work and Employment Continuity, John T. Addison and Christopher J. Surfield, Industrial Relations, 48 (4), 2009, 655–683.
Long Work Hours: Volunteers and Conscripts, Robert Drago, Mark Wooden and David Black, BJIR, 47 (3), 2009, 571–600.
International Differences in Low-Paid Work, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté and Claude Dionne, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (3), 2009, 5–13.
Family Work Patterns, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté and Claude Dionne, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (3), 2009, 33–44.
Barriers to Training Access, Gordon B. Cooke, Isik U. Zeytinoglu and James Chowan, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 21 (3), 2009, 45–75.
Différences internationales dans le travail peu rémunéré, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté et Claude Dionne, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (3), 2009, 7–16.
Régimes de travail des familles, Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté et Claude Dionne, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (3), 2009, 39–52.
Obstacles à l’accès à la formation, Gordon B. Cooke, Isik U. Zeytinoglu et James Chowan, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 21 (3), 2009, 53–88.
Medicalization of Unemployment: Individualizing Social Issues as Personal Problems in the Swedish Welfare State, Mikael Holmqvist, Work, Employment and Society, 23 (3), 2009, 405–421.
Single Women’s Labor Supply Elasticities : Trends and Policy Implications, Kelly Bishop, Bradley Heim and Kata Mihaly, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (1), 2009, 146–168.
Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization
Special Issue: The Globalization of Service Work: Comparative Institutional Perspectives on Call Centers, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 62 (4), 2009, 451–633. Introduction, Rosemary Batt, David Holman, and Ursula Holtgrewe; The Effects of National Institutions and Collective Bargaining Arrangements on Job Quality in Front-Line Service Workplaces, Virgina Doellgast, Ursula Holtgrewe, and Stephen Deery; Work Design Variation and Outcomes in Call Centers: Strategic Choice and Institutional Explanations, David Holman, Stephen Frenkel, Ole S. Rensen, and Stephen Wood; How Institutions and Business Strategies Affect Wages: A Cross-National Study of Call Centers, Rosemary Batt and Hiroatsu Nohara; Technology, Selection, and Training in Call Centers, Inge Sieben, Andries de Grip, Jessica Longen, and Ole S. Rensen; The Effects of Institutional and Organizational Characteristics on Work Force Flexibility: Evidence from Call Centers in Three Liberal Market Economies, Danielle D. van Jaarsveld, Hyunji Kwon, and Ann C. Frost; Temporary Work in Coordinated Market Economies: Evidence from Front-Line Service Workplaces, Karen A. Shire, Hannelore Mottweiler, Annika Schnauer, and Mireia Valverde.
Labor Market Regulation and Productivity Growth: Evidence for Twenty OECD Countries (1984–2004), Servaas Storm and C. W. M. Naastepad, Industrial Relations, 48 (4), 2009, 629–654.
Path Dependency and Comparative Industrial Relations: The Case of Conflict Resolution Systems in Ireland and Sweden, Paul Teague, BJIR, 47 (3), 2009, 499–520.
Codes of Conduct and the Promise of a Change of Climate in Worker Organization, Rüya Gökhan Koçer and Luc Fransen, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 15 (3), 2009, 237–256.
Les syndicalismes référentiels dans la mondialisation : une étude comparée des dynamiques locales au Canada et en France, Christian Dufour, Adelheid Hege, Christian Lévesque et Gregor Murray, La Revue de l’IRES, 61 (2), 2009, 3–38.
Entreprises multinationales et réagencement des territories de l’action syndicale : bilan d’une expérience, Marc-Antonin Hennebert, La Revue de l’IRES, 61 (2), 2009, 75–98.
Les CEE et la négociation collective trans-nationale : les accords européens et mondiaux dans l’automobile, Isabel da Costa et Udo Rehfeldt, La Revue de l’IRES, 61 (2), 2009, 99–128.
Special Issue: Employment Systems in a Turbulent Environment: The Telecommunications Industry in Germany, Australia, and the United States, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63 (1), 2009, 3–59. Still a Coordinated Model? Market Liberalization and the Transformation of Employment Relations in the German Telecommunications Industry, Virginia Doellgast; Strategic Choices in Pluralist and Unitarist Employment Relations Regimes: A Study of Australian Telecommunications, Peter Ross and Greg J. Bamber; Is Digital Technology Reshaping Employment Systems in U.S. Telecommunications Network Services? Jeffrey H. Keefe.
Généralités / General
Electronic Surveillance in the Global Workplace : Laws, Ethics, Research and Practice, Roland E. Kidwell and Robert Sprague, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (2), 194–208.
Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies, Kathleen Thelen, BJIR, 47 (3), 2009, 471–498.
Special Issue: Financialisation of the Economy, Transfer, 15 (2), 2009, 189–290. Financial Capitalism and Private Equity – A New Regime? Andrew Watt and Béla Galgóczi; Private Equity in the UK Context, Glenn Morgan; German Chemical Giants’ Business and Social Models in Transition – Financialisation as a Management Strategy, Jürgen Kädtler; TUI AG – A Group under Pressure from the Capital Market: A Workforce Fights Successfully against the Break-Up of its Company, Alexandra Krieger; Social Dialogue in France and Reactions to the Financialisation of the Economy, Isabelle Chambost, Christian Hoarau and Patrick Roturier.