
A Special Kind of DownsizingAn Assessment of Union Member Reaction to BumpingUn cas spécial de réduction de la taille d’un établissementUne évaluation de la réaction des membres du syndicat à la supplantationUn tipo especial de restructuraciónUna evaluación de la reacción de los miembros sindicalizados a la suplantación[Notice]

  • Krista G. Stringer et
  • Travor C. Brown

…plus d’informations

  • Krista G. Stringer
    Faculty of Business,
    Memorial University,
    St. John’s,

  • Travor C. Brown
    Faculty of Business,
    Memorial University,
    St. John’s,
    Contact person:

A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 2007 meeting of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. This paper was supported in part through a SSHRC grant to the second author. The paper is based on the first author’s MER project supervised by the second author.

Parties annexes