Corps de l’article

Bercusson, Brian and Cynthia Estlund (editors), Regulating Labour in The Wake of Globalisation: New Challenges, New Institutions, Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2008, 290 p.

Brugvin, Thierry, Les mouvements sociaux face au commerce éthique : une tentative de régulation démocratique du travail, Paris : Lavoisier, 2007, 402 p.

Clemens, Jason, The Impact and Cost of Taxation in Canada, Toronto, Ont.: The Fraser Institute, 2008, 190 p.

Dagenais, Lucie-France, La face cachée des conditions de travail : les situations d’atteintes à la santé psychologique, Montréal : Éditions Yvon Blais, 2007, 350 p.

Durand, Jean-Pierre et William Gasparini, Le travail à l’épreuve des paradigmes sociologiques, Toulouse : Octarès Éditions, 2007, 358 p.

Korabik, Karen, Donna Lero and Denise Whitehead (editors), Handbook of Work-Family Integration: Research, Theory and Best Practices, London; Burlington, Mass.: Academic, 2008, 419 p.

Kotler, Philip and Nancy R. Lee, Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2008, 444 p.

Moody, Kim, U.S. Labor in Trouble and Transition: The Failure of Reform from Above, The Promise of Revival from Below, Brooklyn, N.Y.: Verso Books, 2008, 289 p.

Muehlberger, Ulrike, Dependent Self-Employment: Workers on the Border between Employment and Self Employment, New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 217 p.

Scarpello, Vida Gulbinas, The Handbook of Human Resource Management Education: Promoting an Effective and Efficient Curriculum, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2008, 464 p.

Sweet, Stephen and Peter Meiksins (editors), Changing Contours of Work, Jobs and Opportunities in the New Economy, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2007, 264 p.