Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Adversive Workplace Conditions and Employee Grievance Filing: The Moderating Effects of Gender and Ethnicity, Peter Bamberger, Ela Kohn, and Inbal Nahum-Shani, Industrial Relations. A Journal of Economy & Society, 47 (2), 2008, 229-259.
Applying Union Mobilization Theory to Explain Gendered Collective Grievances: Two UK Case Studies, Annette Cox, Sirin Sung, Gail Hebson and Gwen Oliver, Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 (5), 2007, 717-740.
Can Cross-Border Bargaining Coordination Work? Analytical Reflections and Evidence from the Metal Industry in Germany and Austria, Franz Traxler, Bernd Brandl, Vera Glassner and Alice Ludvig, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (2), 2008, 217-238.
Collective Bargaining and High-Involvement Management in Comparative Perspective: Evidence from U.S. and German Call Centers, Virginia Doellgast, Industrial Relations. A Journal of Economy & Society, 47 (2), 2008, 284-319.
Deliberation, Employment Relations and Social Partnership in the Republic of Ireland, Jimmy Donaghey, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (1), 2008, 35-63.
Do Norwegian Companies’ Direct Investments in Poland Imply Exports of Labour Relations? Torunn Kvinge and Aleksandra Rezanow Ulrichsen, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (1), 2008, 125-156.
Industrial Relations Structures in South-East Europe and Turkey: A View from the Metalworking Industry, Manfred Wannöffel, Josef Le and Julia Kramer, South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 10 (3), 2007, 7-40.
Is Wages Policy on the Agenda of Trade Unions Again? Voluntary Wage Moderation in Spain, Jesus Ferreiro and Carmen Gomez, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (1), 2008, 64-95.
Job Insecurity, Union Support and Intentions to Resign Membership: A Psychological Contract Perspective, Hans De Witte, Magnus Sverke, Joris Van Ruysseveldt, Sjoerd Goslinga, Antonio Chirumbolo, Johnny Hellgren and Katharina Näswall, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 85-103.
Paradigms in Industrial Relations: Original, Modern and Versions In- between, Bruce E. Kaufman, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2008, 314-339.
Pattern Bargaining: An Investigation into its Agency, Context and Evidence, Franz Traxler, Bernd Brandl and Vera Glassner, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 33-58.
Political Entrepreneurs and Co-Managers: Labour Transnationalism at Four Multinational Auto Companies, Ian Greer and Marco Hauptmeier, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 76-97.
Restructurations et négociations col- lectives chez les trois grands de l’automobile américaine: un véritable tournant, Catherine Sauviat, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 17-32.
Salaire minimum, grève du rail, fissures dans le système de négociation collective, Adelbeid Hege, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 61-69.
The Anatomy of Two-tier Bargaining Models, Torgeir Aarvaag Stokke, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 7-24.
The Changing Dynamics of Employment Relations in China: An Evaluation of the Rising Level of Labour Disputes, Fang Lee Cooke, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 111-138.
The Establishment of the European Company: The First Cases from an Industrial Relations Perspective, Berndt Keller and Frank Werner, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (2), 2008, 153-176.
The European Company Statute: Implications for Industrial Relations in the European Union, Michael Gold and Sandra Schwimbersky, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 46-64.
The Impact of Employee-Share-Ownership Schemes on Performance in Unionised and Non-Unionised Workplaces, Sukanya Sengupta, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (3), 2008, 170-190.
The Role of Job Representatives in an Organizing Strategy: The Case of the Australian Nursing Federation, Timothy Bartram, Pauline Stanton, Lauren Elovaris, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 25-44.
The Structural Events Approach – A ‘Better’ Way to Understand Long-term Change in Trade Union Structure: The Australian Story (1986-96), Kerrie Saville, Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 (5), 2007, 757-774.
Unionism and Workers’ Strategies in Capitalist Transformation: The Polish Case Reconsidered, Adam Mrozowicki and Geert Van Hootegem, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (2), 2008, 197-216.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Cross-Constituency Organizing in Canadian Unions, Linda Briskin, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2008, 221-247.
Free-Riding in Australia, Peter Haynes, Peter Holland, Amanda Pyman and Julian Teicher, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (1), 2008, 7-34.
German Trade Unions and Right Extremism: Understanding Membership Attitudes, Michael Fichter, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 65-84.
Syndicats et responsabilité sociale des multinationales, André Sobczak, Gestion, 33 (1), 2008, 18-26.
Ten Years of New Labour: Workplace Learning, Social Partnership and Union Revitalization in Britain, John Mcllroy, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2008, 283-313.
The Duration of Union Membership in Italy: A Research Note, Andrea Vaona, Industrial Relations. A Journal of Economy & Society, 47 (2), 2008, 260-265.
The Emergence of a European Labour Protest Movement? Kataryna Gajewska, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 104-121.
The Evolution of Enterprise Unionism in Japan: A Socio-Political Perspective, Dae Yong Jeong and Ruth V. Aguilera, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 98-132.
The Political Economy of Trade Union Strategies in Austria and Germany: The Case of Call Centres, Hajo Holst, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 25-45.
Union Free-Riding in Britain and New Zealand, Alex Bryson, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 5-24.
Un syndicalisme aux prises avec ses contradictions, Marie-Josée Gagnon et Karen Lang, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 33-42.
Union Membership Decline in New Zealand, 1990-2002, Andy Charlwood, Peter Haynes, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 87-110.
Union Mobilization: A Consideration of the Factors Affecting the Willingness of Union Members to Take Industrial Action, Donna M. Buttigieg, Stephen J. Deery and Roderick D. Iverson, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2008, 248-267.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
A Model of Arbitral Decision Making: Facts, Weights, and Decision Elements, Nels E. Nelson and Sung Min Kim, Industrial Relations. A Journal of Economy & Society, 47 (2), 2008, 266-283.
Can We Rely on the ILO?, Brian A. Langille, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (3), 2006-2007, 363-390.
Captive Audience Speeches in Japan: Freedom of Speech of Employers v. Workers’ Rights and Freedoms, Hisashi Okuno, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29 (2), 2008, 129-146.
Due Process, Collective Bargaining, and s. 2(d) of the Charter: A Comment on B.C. Health Services, Jamie Cameron, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (3), 2006-2007, 323-362.
L’obligation pour l’employeur de donner du travail au salarié, Stéphane Brissy, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2008, 434-442.
La négociation d’une loi: frontière poreuse entre la négociation intra-organisationnelle et inter-organisationnelle, Lucie Morissette, Négociations, 2008/1, printemps, 89-106.
Le renouveau de l’inspection du travail dans le monde latin, Michael J. Piore et Andrew Schrank, Revue Internationale du Travail, 147 (1), 2008, 1-26.
Legitimacy of Captive Audiences in Germany, Christoph Gyo, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29 (2), 2008, 119-128.
McGill University Health Centre: Some Clarification on Discrimination and the Duty to Accommodate, Kathryn Meehan, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (3), 2006-2007, 419-440.
O.P.S.E.U. v. Seneca College: Deference as a Two-Edged Sword – A Missed Opportunity to Address the “Weber Gap”, Brian Etherington, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (3), 2006-2007, 391-418.
Recodification ou décodification du droit du travail? Le Conseil constitutionnel tranche, Valérie Bernaud, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2008, 424-433.
The Medium and the “Anti-Union” Message: “Forced Listening” and Captive Audience Meetings in Canadian Labor Law, David J. Doorey, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29 (2), Winter 2008, 79-118.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Adaptation stratégique et mondialisation: le cas d’Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, Aziz Mouline et Taïeb Hafsi, Gestion, 33 (1), 2008, 27-37.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Issues for Human Resource Development Professionals, Tara Fenwick and Laura Bierema, International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (1), 2008, 24-35.
Creativity as a Factor in Competitiveness on the International Market, Vladimir Perovié and Gordana Komazec, South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, 10 (3), 2007, 57-72.
High-Involvement Work Design and Job Satisfaction, Robert D. Mohr and Cindy Zoghi, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), 2008, 275-296.
Leeway for the Loyal: A Model of Employee Discretion, Francis Green, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 1-32.
Many U.S. Workers have Varied Schedules; the Demands of the Industry are the Chief Determinants of the Use of Shift Work and Flexible Schedules, Terence M. McMenamin, Monthly Labor Review, 130 (12), 2007, 3-15.
Mentorat des entrepreneurs, Pierre Simard et Julie Fortin, Gestion, 33 (1), 2008, 10-17.
Mobilising Workers within Inter-Organisational Relationships in the UK Voluntary Sector, Ian Cunningham, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (3), 2008, 191-211.
On the Determinants of Shift Work and Overtime Work: Evidence from German Establishment Data, Uwe Jirjahn, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 133-168.
Performance Pay and Earnings: Evidence from Personnel Records, Tuomas Pekkarinen and Chris Riddell, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), 2008, 297-319.
Predictors of Management Development Effectiveness: An Australian Perspective, Brian D’Netto, Fotini Bakas and Prashant Bordia, International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (1), 2008, 2-23.
Special Issue: Symposium – Working in Call Centres, Guest editor: Al Rainnie, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (2), 2008, 195-284. Introduction: Call Centres, the Networked Economy and the Value Chain, Al Rainnie, Rowena Barrett, John Burgess and Julia Connell; Explaining Employees’ Experience of Work in Outsourced Call Centres: The Influence of Clients, Owners and Temporary Work Agencies, Nicholas Kinnie, John Purcell and Mark Adams; The Psychological Contract in Call Centres: An Employee Perspective, Christine Cross, Gillian Barry and Thomas N. Garavan; Learning to Control: Training and Work Organization in Australian Call Centres, Andrew Smith and Erica Smith; ‘Teaming Up’: Teams and Team Sharing in Call Centres, Diane van den Brock, Alison Barnes and Keith Townsend; Call Centres and the Quality of Work Life: Towards a Research Agenda, Zeenobiyah Hannif, John Burgess and Julia Connell.
Stress au travail et rendement, Jungwee Park, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 20 (1), 2008, 7-22.
Sur la rémunération au mérite: emprunter les techniques du privé pour moderniser l’État, Suzanne Murray, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2008, 468-476.
Under Construction: The Continuing Evolution of Job Structures in Call Centers, Philip Moss, Harold Salzman, and Chris Tilly, Industrial Relations. A Journal of Economy & Society, 47 (2), 2008, 173-209.
Work Stress and Job Performance, Jungwee Park, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20 (1), 2008, 7-19.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Appropriation syndicale des enjeux territoriaux: la question nodale du rapport firme/territoire, Jacques Perrat, La Revue de l’IRES, 54 (2007/2), 71-94.
Choreographing a System: Skill and Employability in Software Work, Abigail Marks and Dora Scholarios, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 29 (1), 2008, 96-124.
Determinants of Public Service Em- ployee Corruption: A Conceptual Model from the Psychological Contract Perspective, Russel P. J. Kingshott, Oguzhan C. Dincer, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 69-86.
Does Gender Trump Money? Housework Hours of Husbands and Wives in Britain, Man Yee Kan, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 45-66.
Gender Differences in Perceptions of Organizational Cultures in the Bank Industry in Taiwan, Chib-Chieh Chen, Patricia Fosh, Deborah Foster, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 139-156.
Organizational Professionalism in Globalizing Low Firms, James Faulconbridge and Daniel Muzio, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 7-26.
Shift Work and Child Behavioral Outcomes, Wen-Jui Han, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 67-88.
Sociology Contra Government? The Contest for the Meaning of Unemployment in UK Policy Debates, Matthew Cole, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 27-44.
The Ethnographic Contribution to Understanding Co-worker Relations, Randy Hodson, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 169-192.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Absentéisme et productivité: le cas des enseignants aux États-Unis, Raegen T. Miller, Richard J. Murnane, John B. Willett, Revue Internationale du Travail, 147 (1), 2008, 77-96.
California’s Health Insurance Act of 2003: View of the Market, Steven E. Abraham and Paula B. Voss, Industrial Relations. A Journal of Economy & Society, 47 (2), 2008, 209-228.
Crossing the Tracks? Trends in the Training of Male and Female Workers in Great Britain, Melanie K. Jones, Paul L. Latreille and Peter J. Sloane, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2008, 268-282.
Earnings in the Last Decade, René Morissette, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20 (1), Spring 2008, 57-69.
Fixation du salaire minimum dans les pays en développement: carences et remèdes, Catherine Saget, Revue Internationale du Travail, 147 (1), 2008, 27-46.
Immigrants in the Hinterlands, André Bernard, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20 (1), 2008, 27-36.
La flexicurité danoise – et tout ce qui l’entoure, Katrine Sondergard, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 43-51.
Le modèle social de l’Europe méridionale: changement et continuité, Maria Karamessini, Revue Internationale du Travail, 147 (1), 2008, 47-76.
Le retour au travail après la naissance d’un enfant, Xuelin Zhang, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 20 (1), 2008, 23-30.
Leeway for the Loyal: A Model of Employee Discretion, Francis Green, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 1-32.
Les familles pauvres sont-elles plus mal traitées en France ? Une comparaison des revenus minima garantis dans douze pays européens, Antoine Math, La Revue de l’IRES, 54 (2007/2), 41-70.
Les gains au cours de la dernière décennie, René Morissette, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 20 (1), 2008, 65-78.
Les immigrants dans les régions, André Bernard, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 20 (1), 2008, 31-42.
Retraites des femmes: une appréciation des réformes en France, en Allemagne, en Italie et en Suède, Odile Chagny et Paula Monperrus-Veroni, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, Janvier 2008, 3-16.
Returning to the Job after Childbirth, Xuelin Zhang, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 20 (1), 2008, 20-26.
Taking the Low Road: Minimum Wage Determinant under Work Choices, Sally Cowling, William Mitchell, Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 (5), 2007, 741-756.
Varieties of Capitalism and Diversity in Labour Standards Regulation: The Case of Italy, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (2), 2008, 177-196.
Wage Cuts as Investment in Future Wage Growth, Helen Connolly and Peter Gottschalk, Labour, 22 (1), 2008, 1-22.
Wage Differentials, Skills, and Institutions in Low-Skill Jobs, Nan L. Maxwell, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), 2008, 394-409.
Wage Growth and Job Molibity in the United Kingdom and Germany, Christian Dustmann and Sonia C. Pereira, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), 2008, 374-393.
Wages and Contracting Out: Does the Law of One Price Hold?, Samuel Berlinski, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), 2008, 59-75.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
A Migration Study of Mother’s Work, Welfare Participation, and Child Development, Haiyong Liu, Labour, 22 (1), 2008, 23-72.
Does Gender Trump Money? Housework Hours of Husbands and Wives in Britain, Man Yee Kan, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 45-66.
Expecting the Worst: Circumstances Surrounding Pregnancy Discrimination at Work and Progress to Formal Redress, Paula McDonald, Kerriann Dear and Sandra Backstrom, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (3), 2008, 229-247.
Family Responsibilities Discrimination in Queensland Workplaces: Where Business and Caring Collide, Paula McDonald, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 45-68.
Gender Differences in the Response to Competition, Joseph Price, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), April 2008, 320-333.
Genre, « flexicurité » et « marchés transitionnels du travail »: angle mort ou fenêtre de tir ?, Bernard Gazier, Travail, genre et sociétés, 19/2008, 170-176.
How Immigrants Fare across the Earnings Distribution in Australia and the United States, Barry R. Chiswick, Anh T. Le and Paul W. Miller, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), 2008, 353-373.
La flexicurité danoise – et tout ce qui l’entoure, Katrine Sondergard, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 43-51.
Les familles pauvres sont-elles plus mal traitées en France ? Une comparaison des revenus minima garantis dans douze pays européens, Antoine Math, La Revue de l’IRES, 54 (2007/2), 41-70.
Retraites des femmes: une appréciation des réformes en France, en Allemagne, en Italie et en Suède, Odile Chagny et Paula Monperrus-Veroni, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 3-16.
Sécurisation des parcours professionnels et genre: l’écueil de la reproduction des inégalités sexuées, Anne Eydoux et Marie-Thérèse Letablier, Travail, genre et sociétés, 19/2008, 155-162.
The Immigrant Wage Differential within and across Establishments, Abdurrahman Aydemir and Mikal Skuterud, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (3), 2008, 334-352.
Unemployment, Splitting up, and Spousal Income Replacement, William Nilsson, Labour, 22 (1), 2008, 73-106.
Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization
Age and Labour Market Commitment in Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Carl Hult and Jonas Edlund, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 109-128.
Les familles pauvres sont-elles plus mal traitées en France ? Une comparaison des revenus minima garantis dans douze pays européens, Antoine Math, La Revue de l’IRES, 54 (2007/2), 41-70.
Mapping the Paths of the Yugoslav Model: Labour Strength and Weakness in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, Marko Grdesic, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (2), 2008, 133-152.
Retraites des femmes: une appréciation des réformes en France, en Allemagne, en Italie et en Suède, Odile Chagny et Paula Monperrus-Veroni, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 110, janvier 2008, 3-16
Skills and Occupational Attainment: A Comparative Study of Germany, Denmark and the UK, Martina Dieckhoff, Work, Employment and Society, 22 (1), 2008, 89-108.
The Impact of EU Accession on Turkish Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, Engin Yildirim and Suayyip Calis, Industrial Relations Journal, 39 (3), 2008, 212-228.
The Political Economy of Trade Union Strategies in Austria and Germany: The Case of Call Centres, Hajo Holst, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14 (1), 2008, 25-45.
Union Free-Riding in Britain and New Zealand, Alex Bryson, Journal of Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 2008, 5-24.
Généralités / General
Symposium: China, Trade and Workers’ Rights, Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 (5), 2007, 611-716. Trade and Dialogue with China, Chris Nyland, Anne O’Rourke; Australia’s Social and Commercial Engagement with China: What Direction for the Relationship? Sharan Burrow; The Australia-China Free Trade Agreement: Some Modelling Issues, Peter B. Dixon; Australia/US/China Preferential Trade Negotiations: Building Alliances and Realizing Workers’ Rights to a ‘Voice at the Table’, Chris Nyland, Elizabeth Ann Maharaj, Ann O’Rourke; China’s Labour Law, Compliance and Flaws in Implementing Institutions, Sean Coony, Ethical Purchasing and Workers’ Rights in China: The Case of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Serena Lillywhite; Is the ACFTU a Union and Does it Matter?, Bill Taylor, Qi Li.