Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Partnership with and without Trade Unions in the UK Financial Services : Filling or Fuelling the Representation Gap ? Stephanie Tailby, Mike Richardson, Martin Upchurch, Andy Danford and Paul Stewart, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (3), 2007, 210–228.
One Company, Four Factories : Coordinating Employment Flexibility Practices with Local Trade Unions, Marta Kahancová, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 67–88.
Spatialising Industrial Relations, Al Rainnie, Andrew Herod and Susan McGrath Champ, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (2), 2007, 102–119.
Employment Tribunals and Acas : Evidence from a Survey of Representatives, Paul L. Latreille, Julie A. Latreille and K. G. (‘Ben’) Knight, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (2), 2007, 136–154.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Managed Activism : Two Unions Organising Campaigns in the Not-for-Profit-Sector, Melanie Simms, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (2), 2007, 119–135.
Sisters Organising in Japan and Korea : The Development of Women-Only Unions, Kaye Broadbent, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (3), 2007, 229–251.
Cowboy Campaigning : Patriotism, “Freedom”, and Right-to-Work in Oklahoma, Judith L. King and Laurel C. Catlett-King, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 5–22.
Emergent Design : The International Research Network on Autowork in the Americas, Steve Babson and Huberto Juárez, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 23–40.
Fighting Marketization : An Analysis of Municipal Manual Labor in the United Kingdom and the United States, Whyeda Gill-McLure, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 41–59.
Giving Labor the Business ? Changes in Business and Labor Reporting from 1980 to 2000, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 60–81.
“Fighting for Our Share of the American Pie”: The 1985 Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Strike, Jennifer L. Worley, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 82–95.
Labor Organizating among Mexican-born Workers in the United States : Recent Trends and Future Prospects, Ruth Milkman, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 96–112.
Educating Immigrant Workers for Action, Kent Wong and Victor Narro, Labor Studies Journal, 32 (1), 2007, 113–118.
Restructurations syndicales dans la douleur en Autriche, Christian Dufour, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, no 105, mars 2007, 59–70.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
The Impact of the Charter on Individual Employment Law in Canada : Rewriting an Old Story, Geoffrey England, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (1), 2006, 1–40.
Neutrality Agreements : Bargaining for Representation Rights in the Shadow of the State, David J. Doorey, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (1), 2006, 41–106.
Vertical Disintegration and Related Employers : Attributing Employment-Related Obligations in Ontario, Judy Fudge and Kate Zavitz, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (1), 2006, 107–146.
Isidore Garon and Bisaillon : More Complications in Determining Arbitral Jurisdiction, Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, 13 (1), 2006, 147–164.
Changes in U.S. Labor Laws, 2006 : State Labor Legislation Enacted in 2006, John J. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Monthly Labor Review, 130 (1), 2007, 3–23.
Changes in U.S. Labor Laws, 2006 : Changes in Federal and State Unemployment Insurance Legislation, 2006, Loryn Lancaster, Monthly Labor Review, 130 (1), 2007,24–29.
L’emploi et le dialogue social, enjeux majeurs de l’après-élection, Raymond Soubie, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2007, 383–387.
La décodification du droit du travail, Emmanuel Dockès, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2007, 388–392.
Droit du travail et TIC (III), Jean-Emmanuel Ray, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2007, 423–444.
Clause de conciliation et contrat de travail, Jean-Philippe Tricoit, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2007, 445–452.
The Interaction of Labor Market Regulation and Labor Market Policies in Welfare State Reform, Werner Eichhorst and Regina Konle-Seidl, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (1), 2006, 1–42.
The Regulation of Labor and Relevance of Legal Origin, David E. Pozen, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (1), 2006, 43–56.
New Employment Times and the Changing Dynamics of Conflict Resolution at Work : The Case of Ireland, Paul Teague, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28 (1), 2006, 57–90.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Dossier spécial : « L’éthique en gestion : au-delà de la réglementation », Gestion, 32 (1), 2007, 29–118.
Promotions and Incentives in Nonprofit and For-Profit Organizations, Jed Devaro and Dana Brookshire, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (3), 2006, 311–339.
Redefining the Toyota Production System : The European Side of the Story, Tommaso Pardi, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (1), 2007, 2–20.
Women, Information Technology and ‘Waves of Optimism’ : Australian Evidence on ‘Mixed-Skill’ Jobs, Amanda Roan and Gillian Whitehouse, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (1), 2007, 21–33.
The Neglect of Spatial Mobility in Contemporary Studies of Work : The Case of Telework, Donald Hislop and Carolyn Axtell, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (1), 2007, 34–51.
Managing Mobile Work: Insights from European Practice, Torsten L. Brodt and Robert M. Verburg, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (1), 2007, 52–65.
Regulation of Working Time in SMEs of the Information and Communication Technology Sector in France, Michèle Dupré and Michel Lallement, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (1), 2007, 66–82.
Ambiguous Professionalism: Managing Efficiency and Service Quality in an Isreali Call Centre, Aviad E. Raz and Elad Blank, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (1), 2007, 83–96.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Work Restructuring and Changing Craft Identity : The Tale of the Disaffected Weavers (or What Happens when the Rug is Pulled from under your Feet), Susan Sayce, Peter Ackers and Anne-Marie Greene, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (1), 2007, 85–102.
Employee Experience of Anesthetic Labour in Retail and Hospitaly, Chris Warhurst and Dennis Nickson, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (1), 2007, 103–120.
Knowledge Workers : What Keeps them Committed; What Turns them Away, John Benson and Michelle Brown, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (1), 2007, 121–142.
Social Partnership and Workplace Regimes in Ireland, William K. Roche, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (3), 2007, 188–209.
Partnership with and without Trade Unions in the UK Financial Services : Filling or Fuelling the Representation Gap ? Stephanie Tailby, Mike Richardson, Martin Upchurch, Andy Danford and Paul Stewart, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (3), 2007, 210–228.
Whatever Happened to Social Dialogue ? From Partnership to Managerialism in the EU Employment Agenda, Michael Gold, Peter Cressey and Evelyne Léonard, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 7–26.
Social Pacts as Coalitions of the Weak and Moderate : Ireland, Italy and South Korea in Comparative Perspective, Lucio Baccaro and Sang-Hoon Lim, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 27–46.
Varieties of Capitalism in Spain : Business and the Politics of Coordination, Sebastián Royo, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 47–67.
One Company, Four Factories : Coordinating Employment Flexibility Practices with Local Trade Unions, Marta Kahancová, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 67–88.
Achieving Flexibility through Insecurity : A Comparison of Work Environments in Fixed-term and Permanent Jobs in Finland and Canada, Antti Saloniemi and Isik Urla Zeytinoglu, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 109–128.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
Pour un revenu d’existence garanti, Guy Standing, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 149–162.
Labor Market Institutions and Wage Inequality, Winfried Koeniger, Marco Leonardi, and Luca Nunziata, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (3), 2006, 340–356.
Does a Mininum Job Search Requirement Reduce Time on Unemployment Payments? Evidence from the Jobseeker Diary in Australia, Jeff Borland and Yi-Ping Tseng, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (3), 2006, 357–378.
The Role of Health Insurance in Joint Retirement among Married Couples, Kanika Kapur and Jeannette Rogowski, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (3), 2006, 397–407.
Work Hours, Wages, and Vacation Leave, Joseph G. Altonji and Emiko Usui, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (3), 2006, 408–428.
Minimum Wage Effects in the Longer Run, David Neumark and Olena Nizalova, The Journal of Human Resources, 42 (2), 2007, 435–452.
L’intangibilité des droits aux prestations de l’assurance-chômage, Xavier Prétot, Droit Social, no 4, avril 2007, 393–402.
Work Hours Instability, Andrew Heisz and Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (1), 2007, 18–21.
Canada’s Unemployment Mosaic, 2000 to 2006, Ernest B. Akyeampong, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (1), 2007, 22–29.
The Aboriginal Labour Force in Western Canada, Jacqueline Luffman and Deborah Sussman, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (1), 2007, 30–44.
Young Pensioners, Ted Wannell, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (1), 2007, 45–54.
Defining Retirement, Geoff Bowlby, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 19 (1), 2007, 55–59.
Instabilité des heures de travail, Andrew Heisz et Sébastien LaRochelle-Côté, L’emploi et le revenu en perspectives, 19 (1), 2007, 20–24.
La mosaïque du chômage au Canada, de 2000 à 2006, Ernest B. Akyeampong, L’emploi et le revenu en perspectives, 19 (1), 2007, 25–34.
La population active autochtone de l’Ouest canadien, Jacqueline Luffmann et Deborah Sussman, L’emploi et le revenu en perspectives, 19 (1), 2007, 35–50.
Les jeunes retraités, Ted Wannell, L’emploi et le revenu en perspectives, 19 (1), 2007, 51–62.
Définir la retraite, Geoff Bowlby, L’emploi et le revenu en perspectives, 19 (1), 2007, 63–67.
Retraite à 67 ans en Allemagne : baisse des pensions ou nouvelle culture de travail dans la vieillesse ?, Mechthild Veil, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, no 105, mars 2007, 3–17.
Les nouvelles réformes des retraites du gouvernement Prodi en Italie, Adelheid Hege et Antoine Math, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, no 105, mars 2007, 18–31.
« Le travail doit payer » : la réforme de l’assurance chômage en Suède, Timothée Mantz, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, no 105, mars 2007, 36–47.
Prendre soin des personnes âgées et dépendantes : nouvelle loi sur le soutien social et risques pour l’emploi des femmes aux Pays-Bas, Marie Wierink, Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, no 105, mars 2007, 48–58.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
A Cure for Discrimination? Affirmative Action and the Case of California’s Proposition 209, Caitlin Knowles Myers, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 60 (3), 2006, 379–398.
Sisters Organising in Japan and Korea : The Development of Women-Only Unions, Kaye Broadbent, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (3), 2007, 229–251.
Performing Industrial Relations : The Centrality of Gender in Regulation of Work in Theatre and Television, Deborah Dean, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (3), 2007, 252–268.
Numéro spécial : « Genre et organisations », Travail, genre et sociétés, no 17, avril 2007, 21–122. Changement organisationnel et stratégies identitaires : le cas de cinq infirmiè-e-s britanniques, Susan Halford; Les femmes cadres dans les entreprises innovantes, Ina Wagner et Andrea Birbaumer; La fabrication organisationnelle des dirigeants : un regard sur le plafond de verre, Cécile Guillaume et Sophie Pochic; Des femmes dans la maison des hommes : l’exemple des surveillantes de prison, Guillaume Malochet.
Politique familiale et emplois des mères, peut-on importer le modèle suédois ? Travail, genre et sociétés, no 17, avril 2007, 145–164.
Études comparatives et mondialisation / Comparative Studies and Globalization
Symposium Introduction : Governing the Global Workplace, Mario F. Bognanno, John W. Budd, and Morris M. Kleiner, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 215–221.
Globalization, Human Resource Practices and Innovations : Recent Evidence from the Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey, Scott Walsworth and Anil Verma, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 222–240.
Integrating Human Resource and Technological Capabilities : The Influence of Global Business Strategies on Workplace Strategy Choices, William N. Cooke, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 241–270.
Who’s On the Line ? Indian Call Center Agents Pose as Americans for U.S.-Outsourced Firms, Winifred R. Poster, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 271–304.
Do Industrial Relations Institutions Influence Foreign Direct Investment ? Evidence from OECD Nations, Kwikwon Ham and Morris M. Kleiner, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 305–328.
Globalization and Declining Unionization in the United States, Matthew J. Slaughter, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 329–346.
U.S. Multinational Activity Abroad and U.S. Jobs : Substitutes or Complements ?, Ann E. Harrison, Margaret S. McMillan, and Clair Null, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 347–365.
Enforcing Labor Rights against Multinational Corporate Groups in Europe, Yaraslau Kryvoi, Industrial Relations, 46 (2), 2007, 366–386.
Social Pacts as Coalitions of the Weak and Moderate : Ireland, Italy and South Korea in Comparative Perspective, Lucio Baccaro and Sang-Hoon Lim, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 2007, 27–46.
Comparing Modes of Privatisation: A Study of the Telecommunications Sectors in Argentina and Mexico, 1990-2000, John P. Tuman, Industrial Relations Journal, 38 (2), 2007, 155–177.
Généralités / General
Le travail en quête de conflit : une introduction, Isabelle Farcy, Parcal Depoorter, Thomas Rothé, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 25–36.
Le changement de visage de la conflictualité en entreprise : quelques éléments statistiques, Sophie Béroud, Alexandre Carlier, Jean-Michel Denis, Guillaume Desage, Baptiste Giraud, Jérôme Pélisse, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 37–50.
La France, pays de grèves ? Étude comparative internationale sur la longue durée (1900-2004), Ian Eschstruth, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 51–62.
« Diviser pour mieux régner » : une interprétation microéconomique de la détérioriation du rapport de force capital/travail, Cédric Durand, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 63–78.
Management morderne et politique du travail : le mouvement ouvrier face à l’emprise managériale, Lionel Jacquot, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 79–92.
Les limites de l’intériorisation des contraintes chez les cadres des grandes entreprises, Gaëtan Flocco, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 93–106.
Relations de travail et conflit social : le mouvement social de l’établissement Fiat à Melfi, Monique Vervaeke, Les mondes du Travail, nos 3–4, mai 2007, 107–120.