Corps de l’article
Relations du travail / Labour Relations
Changing Regimes of Workplace Governance, Shifting Axes of Social Mobilization, and the Challenge to Industrial Relations Theory, Michael J. Piore and Sean Safford, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 299–325.
Workplace Bullying, Psychological Perspectives and Industrial Relations: Towards a Contextualized and Interdisciplinary Approach, Helge Hoel and David Beale, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 239–262.
A Novel Calculus? Institutional Change, Globalization and Industrial Conflict in Europe, Steen Scheuer, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 143–164.
Have Unions Turned the Corner? New Evidence on Recent Trends in Union Recognition in UK Firms, Jo Blanden, Stephen Machin and John Van Reenen, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 169–190.
Union Co-operation in a Context of Job Insecurity: Negotiated Outcomes from Teamworking, Nicolas Bacon and Paul Blyton, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 215–238.
Erosion of the Ghent System and Union Membership Decline: Lessons from Finland, Petri Böckerman and Roope Uusitalo, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 283–304.
The War on Europe’s Waterfront—Repertoires of Power in the Port Transport Industry, Peter Turnbull, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 305–326.
Strategy Meets Institutions: The Transformation of Management-Labor Relations at Deutsche Telekom and NTT, Mari Sako and Gregory Jackson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 347–366.
What Did Partnerships Do? Evidence from the Federal Sector, Marick F. Masters, Robert R. Albright and David Eplion, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 367–385.
Unionization and Input Flexibility in U.S. Manufacturing, 1973–1996, Elisabetta Magnani and David Prentice, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 386–407.
Firm-Level Contracting and the Structure of Wages in Spain, David Card and Sara de la Rica, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 59 (4), 2006, 573–592.
Investigating the Cause of Death: Industrial Relations and Plant Closures in Australia, Michelle Brown and John S. Heywood, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 59 (4), 2006, 593–612.
Organizing the Self-Employed: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings, Susanne Pernicka, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 125–142.
Collective Bargaining Structure and its Determinants: An Empirical Analysis with British and German Establishment Data, Claus Schnabel, Stefan Zagelmeyer and Susanne Kohaut, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 165–188.
Does Density Matter? The Significance of Comparative Historical Variation in Unionization, Guy Vernon, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 189–210.
Collective Bargaining and Social Pacts: Greece in Comparative Perspective, Stella Zambarloukou, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 211–230.
Shift in Form of Trade Unions and Redefined Labor-Management Relationship, Jeong Hee Lee, Korea Labor Review, 2 (9), 2006, 2–8.
Organisations syndicales et patronales / Union and Employer Organizations
Tracking Local Unions Involved in Managerial Decision-Making, Adrienne E. Eaton and Saul A. Rubinstein, Labor Studies Journal, 31 (2), 2006, 1–30.
Labor Education and Labor Art: The Hidden Potential of Knowing for the Left Hand, Peter H. Sawchuk, Labor Studies Journal, 31 (2), 2006, 49–68.
Droit du travail / Labour Law
Enforcement Problems in “Informal” Labor Markets: A View from Israel, Guy Davidov, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (1), 2005, 3–26.
The Evolving Legal Regime on Unauthorized Work by Migrants in Britain, Bernard Ryan, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (1), 2005, 27–58.
Why Complain? Complaints, Compliance, and the Problem of Enforcement in the U.S. Workplace, David Weil and Amanda Pyles, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 27 (1), 2005, 59–92.
Numéro spécial : « La sécurité juridique en droit du travail », Droit social, no 7/8 (juillet-août), 2006, 703–774.
The New Work Choices Laws: Once Again Australia Borrows Foreign Labour Law Concepts, Ron McCallum, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 98–104.
Precarious Employment in Australia and Canada: The Road to Labour Law Reform, Judy Fudge, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 105–126.
Work Choices in International Perspective, Colin Fenwick and Ingrid Landau, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 127–143.
The Corporatisation of Australian Labour Law: Completing Howard’s Unfinished Business, Bill Ford, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 144–160.
Working Precariously: The Safety Net After Work Choices, Rosemary Owens, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 161–182.
Collective Labour Relations Under Siege: The Work Choices Legislation and Collective Bargaining, Anthony Forsyth and Carolyn Sutherland, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 183–197.
Smothering the Right to Strike: Work Choices and Industrial Action, Shae McCrystal, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 198–209.
Work Choices and Australian Workplace Agreements, Joel Fetter, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 210–224.
Back to the Future: Unjust Termination of Employment Under the Work Choices Legislation, Marilyn Pittard, Australian Journal of Labour Law, 19 (2), 2006, 225–241.
Gestion des ressources humaines et des organisations / Human Resources Management and Organizations
Inter-Firm Training Co-ordination in Britain, Howard Gospel and Jim Foreman, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 190–214.
Screening Job Applicants, Ernest B. Akyeampong, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 18 (2), 2006, 39–44.
La présélection des candidats à un emploi, Ernest B. Akyeampong, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 18 (2), 2006, 43–49.
Internal Promotion Versus External Recruitment in Industrial Plants in Spain, Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Pedro Ortín-Ángel, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 451–470.
Employer Willingness To Permit Phased Retirement: Why are Some More Willing Than Others, Robert M. Hutchens and Karen Grace-Martin, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 59 (4), 2006, 525–546.
The Effect of Diversity on Turnover: A Large Case Study, Jonathan S. Leonard and David I. Levine, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 59 (4), 2006, 547–572.
Special Issue: “Current Situations of Work Hours and Vacations in Japan”, Japan. Labor Review, 3 (3), 2006, 5–115. Contemporary Working Time in Japan: Legal System and Reality, Kazuya Ogura; Long Working Hours and Stress – In Relation to the Measure Against Long Working Hours and Overtime, Takashi Fujimoto; Unpaid Overtime for White-Collar Workers, Yoko Takahashi; Legal Issues on Long-Term Leave: Conflicting Structure of “Leave Benefits”, Susumu Noda; Long-Term Leave and Competence Formation, Eiichi Ohki; Trial Report on Desirable Employment Strategy in Japan, Yutaka Asao.
‘You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone’: Re-Contextualizing the Origins, Development and Impact of the Call Centre, Vaughan Ellis and Phil Taylor, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (2), 2006, 107–122.
Visible Moves and Invisible Bodies: The Case of Teleworking in an Italian Call Centre, Raffaella Valsecchi, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (2), 2006, 123–138.
Managing Service Innovation: The Need for Selectivity Rather than ‘Best Practice’, Joe Tidd and Frank M. Hull, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (2), 2006, 139–161.
Organisational Culture in the Age of the Internet: An Exploratory Study, Emmanuel Ogbonna and Lloyd C. Harris, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (2), 2006, 162–175.
Sociologie du travail / Sociology of Work
Fragmented Careers? Winners and Losers in Young Adult Labour Markets, Steve Fenton and Esther Dermott, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 205–222.
Seagull Management and the Control of Nursing Work, Hannah Cooke, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 223–244.
A Very Precarious Profession: Uncertainty in the Working Lives of Professional Footballers, Martin Roderick, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 245–266.
Just ‘Non-Academics’? Research Administrators and Contested Occupational Identity, Jaquelyn Allen Collinson, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 267–288.
Driving Street Justice: The Taxicab Driver as The Last American Cowboy, Elizabeth A. Hoffmann, Labor Studies Journal, 31 (2), 2006, 31–48.
Bureaucracy Transcended? New Patterns of Employment Regulation and Labour Control in the International Automative Industry, Valeria Pulignano and Paul Stewart, New Technology, Work and Employment, 21 (2), 2006, 90–106.
Économique du travail, main-d’oeuvre, sécurité sociale / Labour Economics, Employment and Social Security
The Part-Time Wage Gap in Norway: How Large is It Really? Inés Hardoy and Pål Schøne, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (2), 2006, 263–282.
Measuring Pension-Benefit Expectations Probabilistically, Jeff Dominitz and Charles F. Manski, Labour, 20 (2), 2006, 201–236.
How Many Labour Force States? An Analysis Based on the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), Elisabetta Marzano, Labour, 20 (2), 2006, 237–254.
Reasons for Wage Rigidity in Germany, Wolfgang Franz and Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Labour, 20 (2), 2006, 255–284.
Immigrants’ Relative Earnings in Sweden – A Cohort Analysis, Mats Hammarstedt and Ghazi Shukur, Labour, 20 (2), 2006, 285–324.
Language in the Public Service, Louis N. Christofides and Robert Swidinsky, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 326–347.
Family Background and the Propensity for Self-Employment, Greg Hundley, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 377–392.
The Effects of Employment Protection for Obese People, Christopher S. Carpenter, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 393–415.
Rhetoric in Economic Research: The Case of Gender Wage Differentials, Doris Weichselbaumer and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 416–436.
Does it Pay to go Back to School? Boris Palameta and Xuelin Zhang, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 18 (2), 2006, 5–11.
Unemployment since 1971, René Morissette and Feng Hou, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 18 (2), 2006, 45–50.
Est-il rentable de retourner aux études?, Boris Palameta et Xuelin Zhang, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 18 (2), 2006, 7–14.
Le chômage depuis 1971, René Morissette et Feng Hou, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 18 (2), 2006, 50–56.
Bulls, Bears, and Retirement Behavior, Courtney C. Coile and Phillip B. Levine, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 408–429.
How Flexible Are Wages in Response to Local Unemployment in South Africa?, Geeta Gandhi Kingdon and John Knight, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 471–495.
Special Issue: “Mobility of Services and Posting of Workers in the Enlarged Europe”, Transfer, 12 (2), 2006, 137–282. Editorial, Mobility of Services and Posting of Workers in the Enlarged Europe – Challenges for Labour Market Regulation, Jon Erik Døvik and Line Eldring; The Vaxholm Case from a Swedish and European Perspective, Kerstin Ahlberg, Niklas Bruun and Jonas Malmberg; Free Movement of Services and Equal Treatment of Workers: The Case of Construction, Jan Cremers; The Posting of Workers in the German Construction Industry: Responses and Problems of Trade Union Action, Marcus Kahmann; Posted Workers in France, Bruno Lefebvre; Industrial Relations Responses to Migration and Posting of Workers After EU Enlargement: Nordic Trends and Differences, Jon Erik Døvik and Line Eldring; The Services Directive: The Legislative Process Clears the First Hurdle, Wolfgang Kowalsky; The Viking Case, Thomas Blanke; Mobile Worker Disputes Jolt Ireland’s ‘Social Partnership’ Model, Gerald Flynn; Posted Workers, Italian Regulation and Dilemmas, Massimo Pallini; Minimum Wages in Europe, Thorsten Shculten.
Dossier : « Immigration et marché du travail », Formation, Emploi, no 94 (avril-juin), 2006, 5–111.
Are Education and Training Always Complements? Evidence from Thailand, Kenn Ariga and Giorgio Brunello, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 59 (4), 2006, 613–629.
Numéro spécial : « Migrations », Potentiel des programmes de migration temporaire dans l’organisation des migrations internationales, Martin Ruhs, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (1–2), 2006, 7–42.
Numéro spécial : « Migrations », La mondialisation du marché du travail des personnes de santé, Paul F. Clark, James B. Stewart et Darlene A. Clark, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (1–2), 2006, 43–74.
Numéro spécial : « Migrations », La chasse à la matière grise : les stratégies de la Chine pour faire revenir les cerveaux, David Zweig, Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (1–2), 2006, 75–104.
Numéro spécial : « Migrations », L’internationalisation de l’emploi : un défi pour une mondialisation juste ? Revue internationale du Travail, 145 (1–2), 2006, 137–156.
Équité au travail / Equity at Work
Pay, Promotion and Parenthood Amongst Women Solicitors, Victoria Wass and Robert McNabb, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 289–308.
Women, Lifelong Learning and Transitions Into Employment, Andrew Jenkins, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 309–328.
Changing Dynamics in Female Employment Around Childbirth: Evidence from Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, Jan Dirk Vlasblom and Joop Schippers, Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2), 2006, 329–348.
Rhetoric in Economic Research: The Case of Gender Wage Differentials, Doris Weichselbaumer and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 416–436.
Special Issue on Gender and Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Journal, 37 (4), 2006, 290–414, Editorial: Still uncovering Gender in Industrial Relations, Geraldine Healy, Lise Lotte Hansen and Sue Ledwith; Re-regulation for Gender Equality: From ‘Either/or’ to ‘Both’, Linda Dickens; Why Gender and ‘Difference’ Matters: A Critical Appraisal of Industrial Relations Research, Jane Holgate, Gail Hebson and Anne McBride; Gender: The Missing Link in Industrial Relations Research, Ardha Danieli; Unequal and Low Pay in the Public Sector, Carole Thornly; Victimisation and Agency: The Social Construction of Union Women’s Leadership, Linda Briskin; Feminist Praxis in a Trade Union Gender Project, Sue Ledwith; Small is Beautiful? The Development of Women’s Activism in a Small Union, Susan Sayce, Anne-Marie Greene and Peter Ackers.
Santé et sécurité au travail / Health and Safety at Work
Does Network Care Prolong Work Absences? William G. Johnson, Marjorie L. Baldwin, and Tricia J. Johnson, Industrial Relations, 45 (3), 2006, 348–376.
On sick leave, Katherine Marshall, Perspectives on Labour and Income, 18 (2), 2006, 29–38.
En congé de maladie, Katherine Marshall, L’emploi et le revenu en perspective, 18 (2), 2006, 33–42.
Further Evidence on the “Monday Effect” in Workers’ Compensation, Michele Campolieti and Douglas E. Hyatt, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3), 2006, 438–450.
Études comparatives / Comparative Studies
Does Density Matter? The Significance of Comparative Historical Variation in Unionization, Guy Vernon, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 189–210.
Collective Bargaining and Social Pacts: Greece in Comparative Perspective, Stella Zambarloukou, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 211–230.
Collective Bargaining Structure and its Determinants: An Empirical Analysis with British and German Establishment Data, Claus Schnabel, Stefan Zagelmeyer and Susanne Kohaut, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12 (2), 2006, 165–188.